Change Font Of Variable
<!--fonto:Tahoma--><span style="font-family:Tahoma"><!--/fonto-->Hello
In FastReport I Use memo . in memo use this "
in delphi send value to fastreport "
can i change the font only the parameter that i send ???? for example cus_family change to "bold" ?<!--fontc--></span><!--/fontc-->
In FastReport I Use memo . in memo use this "
"the customer family [CUS_FAMILY] and name [cus_name] .......
in delphi send value to fastreport "
Report1.Script.Variables['CUS_FAMILY'] := e_family.text;
"can i change the font only the parameter that i send ???? for example cus_family change to "bold" ?<!--fontc--></span><!--/fontc-->
for example : in show when i send the variable into fastreport shows this but this better that [cus_name] [cus_family] fonts is bold like this
if any way to solve this help me !
you can also see this if you run the main demo and look at the html tags report.
Set the memo's allow html tags property to true
and add tags around [ ] braces'
[cus_name] [cus_family]
but in other language like "farsi" when used "RTLReading" AND "Html" Properties --- align memo is not worked fine!!!why?
when used "RTLReading" without "Html" --align memo work fine.
any other solution ?
this is bug :that "rtl reading" and "html tag" together not worked correctly???
" gordk " for your help .
any other solution for this ??
thank you