it's slow to run ado???

edited July 2004 in FastScript
the following is my script :
var conn,rs:Variant;
conn := CreateOleObject('ADODB.Connection');
conn.ConnectionString :='Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=sa;Initial Catalog=DB_Service;Data Source=localhost';

rs := conn.Execute('select name from web_user');

while not (rs.EOF = True) do

but it's so slow while runing!
what probleam about it??????????


  • edited 7:14PM
    It's not a FS problem. I think the same code in the Delphi will run slow.
  • edited 7:14PM
    in delphi it's so fast! i change the connectionstring line into
    "File name=c:\link.udl" ,running speed is slowly too.

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