Regarding Pages
What is the different between [Page] and [Page#]? The same for [TotalPages] and [TotalPages#]?
I try to manually set the page at the bottom the page to print the number of page and pages in the report
but this do not work properly:
procedure PageFooter1OnBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent);
MemoPages.Text := 'Page: ' + IntToStr(<Page>) + ' of ' + IntToStr(<TotalPages>);
or I try this:
MemoPages.Text := 'Page: ' + IntToStr(<Page#>) + ' of ' + IntToStr(<TotalPages#>);
But non of the above works as the TotalPages dosen't shows correct value, it always show 0
thu I have not tested it with a lot of pages, I have only one pages the TotalPages in my testing
database and it always shows zero...
Thanks in advance!
What is the different between [Page] and [Page#]? The same for [TotalPages] and [TotalPages#]?
I try to manually set the page at the bottom the page to print the number of page and pages in the report
but this do not work properly:
procedure PageFooter1OnBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent);
MemoPages.Text := 'Page: ' + IntToStr(<Page>) + ' of ' + IntToStr(<TotalPages>);
or I try this:
MemoPages.Text := 'Page: ' + IntToStr(<Page#>) + ' of ' + IntToStr(<TotalPages#>);
But non of the above works as the TotalPages dosen't shows correct value, it always show 0
thu I have not tested it with a lot of pages, I have only one pages the TotalPages in my testing
database and it always shows zero...
Thanks in advance!
MemoPages.Text := 'Page: ' + '[Page]' + ' of ' + '[TotalPages]';
Then the rteport will process them to get a value
not clear as to why you are doing this in code as the memo only needs to contain
Page: [Page] of [TotalPages]
Page# and TotalPages# are for use with batch reports.
I haved tried that, but it dosen't work when I test my reports...
Therefore I did try it in code, and it still dosen't work.
All I've getting is Page: 1 of 0...
Is there any setting that I have to set somewhere?
Becouse I've also tryed to copy the same memo from one of the Fast REport demos
where it works, even when I do a recompile, but when I copy it to my own report
the totalpages always shows 0, thu I only have one page to prewview in my report
this far.
I respectfully suggest that you read both the programmers manual and the user manual and look at the demo reports.
documentation to read and it's easy to miss escpecially when the TwoPass options have changes name to DoublePass,
not strange that I missed that one [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=";)" border="0" alt="wink.gif" /> So when I did set the DoublePass option to true it worked just fine. Thanks for the help![/img]