variables / aggregates

edited 10:55PM in FastReport 4.0

I'm sorry, this must be simple, but I'm unable to find out how to use aggregates in a header band...
I'm following the intructions in the manual (double pass & OnBeforePrint events with Get/Set)

So far I was't able to use my own declared variables eg <Group."Total"> & <Group."StartDate">
I do get errors as "could not convert variant of type (null) into type (OleStr). Unknown variable or datafield: Group."Total"

Set(<Group."Total">, SUM(...));

The variable does however exists...

I also noticed that you get another error when you haven't set an expression in your variable.

Finally I just used a datafield (as shown in the manual) and this works. At least for my totals.

Is this normal?? How can I use custom variables?

Further, how do I format a date variable ? Set(<Customers."CUSTOMER_DATE">, MIN(<Customers."INVOICE_DATE">, masterdetail1)

If I want to use this as Memo1.Text := 'Month : '+FormatDateTime('mmmm', Get(<Customers."CUSTOMER_DATE">). But this doesn't work. I get errors on this

Last question:
Is there a way to fill in variables and just use these inside a text object of the report gui? Do you realy need to use the code as in memo1.txt?

Thanks in advance,


  • edited 10:55PM
    There are 2 kinds of variables in FR. Categorized variable and non-categorized one.
    For the first kind you use Get() and Set()
    Look at this thread which deals with a similar problem.
    These variables can be referred to like table columns.

    The second kind you use like ordinary Pascal variable. However, they are run-time only as far as I can figure out one can only assign them to a memo component or a categorized variable in the script.
  • edited 10:55PM
    thanks for your reply. [/url]
    These variables can be referred to like table columns.

    Thanks, but I found this thread already, but unfortunately I can't get it right... where is SaldoAtual in this case declared? As a variable in the script? Or as a variable in the report?
    technisoft wrote: »
    The second kind you use like ordinary Pascal variable. However, they are run-time only as far as I can figure out one can only assign them to a memo component or a categorized variable in the script.
    I tried this as well, but I seem to be unable to get it right in case with dates :-(.

    Anybody an idea how I can get a date 'variable' formatted into a header?

    Something like Memo1.Text := 'Month : '+FormatDateTime('mmmm', Get(<Customers."CUSTOMER_DATE">)
  • edited 10:55PM
    Ok. It took me some time to figure out what the writer meant in section 6.7 'Using aggregate functions in the script'. But I finally found a way to get this working.
  • edited 10:55PM
    it might be usefull for others, others can give feedback (or just tell that there is a much more simplistic way).

    Put three (in)visible text objects in the footer of the report with the following text:


    Than use the following script code:
      tmpStr : String;
      ListPeriod, ListTotal : TStringList;
      i : integer;                                
    procedure GroupFooter1OnBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent);
      tmpStr := '';                                         
      if not Engine.FinalPass then begin
        tmpStr := FormatDateTime('mmmm', MIN(<Customer."CONSULT_DATE">,MasterData1))                     
          + ' - ' + FormatDateTime('mmmm YYYY', MAX(<Customer."CONSULT_DATE">,MasterData1));
        tmpStr := Format('%2.2m', [SUM(<Customer."FEE">,MasterData1)] );
    procedure GroupHeader1OnBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent);
      if Engine.FinalPass then begin
        Memo1.Text := 'Period: '+ListPeriod[i];           
        Memo18.Text := 'Total: '+ListTotal[i] + 'bla';        
    procedure OnStartReport(Sender: TfrxComponent);
      ListPeriod := TStringList.Create;
      ListTotal := TStringList.Create;      
    procedure OnStopReport(Sender: TfrxComponent);
    procedure Page1OnBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent);
      i := 0;  
  • hsmhsm
    edited 10:55PM
    zifnabbe wrote: »
    it might be usefull for others, others can give feedback (or just tell that there is a much more simplistic way).

    Thank you. It was very useful for me.
    I have three nested groups and need to show an average score (from the detail section) for each group in their respective headers. I cannot use AVG() as not all the detail scores are available so I need to count them, sum then and do the average programatically at the end of each group.
    I messed around all day today trying to apply the example in the manual and the demo to my situation and could only get the outer group to behave properly.
    I can see that your solution using lists will do the job.
    Thanks for posting the solution. Too many people end a thread saying "I've fixed it now" without saying how!

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