How to print Group footer at Page footer

edited 9:00PM in FastReport 4.0
If you were creating a document that is like an "invoice" say where the group band is based on Invoice Number and the group footer contains the Total of the Invoice, shipping comment etc, and you wanted to print the group footer at the bottom of the page and have the masterdata vertical lines run down the entire page (even if there is only 1 line on the invoice) how would you do this ?
I don't want the info in the page footer as the docket may run over two pages and there's no need to print all the footer details until all the main data is printed, but I don't want the totals info to be anywhere but on the bottom of the page.
Thanks in advance for any help!


  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 9:00PM
    You may wanto put lines in an overlay band use large height in design mode and dadd overlay after all other bands.

    Control band position for gfooter from code in obp event
    ie if engine.curx < given vakue then engine.curx := setvalue
  • jl7jl7
    edited 9:00PM
    gordk wrote: »
    You may wanto put lines in an overlay band use large height in design mode and dadd overlay after all other bands.

    Control band position for gfooter from code in obp event
    ie if engine.curx < given vakue then engine.curx := setvalue

    Thanks for reply gordk.
    I understand. Additional question : If the footer had a comment field that "could grow" (say it was in child and had stretch set accordingly) such that I'd need to allow the curx to be reduced to allow for additional lines, is there also a clean way in code of determining that fact and the number of lines / amount of page space that field will require?
    And, excusing my ignorance, if the overlay is added after all other bands for the purpose of vertical lines to run down to footer, will I need to set it's height manually to the "balance of the page" so it doesn't run past the area that the group footer would occupy and force a new page unnecessarily? Or is the key fact that it's overlay mean it doesn't control height in that sense ?

  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 9:00PM
    write code in the oncalcheight event when stretching.
    the reason for placing the overlay after all other bands is to avoid clutter on the design page and possibility of objects being widowed to the page, top of overlay band = top of page. overlay is really a misnomerr for the band it should be underlay.
    There is a number of good demos in the binaries newsgroup
  • jl7jl7
    edited 9:00PM
    gordk wrote: »
    write code in the oncalcheight event when stretching.
    the reason for placing the overlay after all other bands is to avoid clutter on the design page and possibility of objects being widowed to the page, top of overlay band = top of page. overlay is really a misnomerr for the band it should be underlay.
    There is a number of good demos in the binaries newsgroup

    I'm getting an error with the link to binaries news group - is there an address to get me there manually?
    Fast reports 5 eta / list of included features
    We achieved pretty close to what were trying to achieve with code to set individual line heights in the overlay and the top of the group footer to be at page footer. However, I have around 2500 of these reports to do where each layout is unique (converting from another rep engine) and this approach is going to be extremely expensive time wise - do you know if fast reports 5 will support this need natively, and an eta for v5?

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