Export to PDF: Out of memory Error

edited 1:11PM in FastReport 4.0
I have a large report, i know it is a bit weird but i have to implement it, the report has ~ 25.000 pages and it opens in preview mode. But when i try to export it to PDF, that's the way we want to present all the reports in our application, i get an Out of memory Error, or an access violation (null pointer).
I noticed that it always throws the error at ~18.000. (18.687,18.689)
Is this machine specific, i have 4GB RAM and lots of free space on my hard drive
The process takes ~ 1.869.328 K,
RAM is used ~ 3,2 GB overall so this is not the problem.

UseFileCache is set True,
I ve set MaxMemSize to 20, no difference,
I ve tryed to set DataOnly on the TfrxPDFExport-er to true, no difference
The design is totaly minimalistic...

Is there anything else i can do, to get this large report exported, or do i have to split it in smaller pieces, but we don't want to do that.

thanks, Jan


  • edited 1:11PM
    No ideas, how to get this done with Fast Reports?
    Did no one had a similar problem?
    Does anybody know a way to create very large reports in delphi, with the possibility to export to pdf?

    thx, Jan
  • edited January 2012
    There is a memory leak in frxUtils.DrawBitmap procedure.
    DeleteDC is missing from the end of the procedure.

    The corrected version:
    { Draw with smooth }
    procedure DrawBitmap(aHandle: HDC; Dest: TRect; Bitmap: TBitmap);
      hMemDC: HDC;
      PrevStretchBltMode: Integer;
      hMemDC := CreateCompatibleDC(aHandle);
        SelectObject(hMemDC, Bitmap.Handle);
        PrevStretchBltMode := SetStretchBltMode(aHandle, STRETCH_HALFTONE);
        with Dest do
          StretchBlt(aHandle, Left, Top, Right - Left, Bottom - Top, hMemDC,
                0, 0, Bitmap.Width, Bitmap.Height, SRCCOPY);
        SetStretchBltMode(aHandle, PrevStretchBltMode);
  • gpigpi
    edited 1:11PM
    DeleteDC is missing from the end of the procedure.
    This procedure fixed. Use latest FR 4.12.1
  • edited 1:11PM
  • edited 1:11PM
    Is this fix in the demo version FastReport 4 for Embarcadero RAD Studio (Delphi/C++Builder) 2010 Oct 31, 2011 ?
  • edited 1:11PM
    i am testing fastrwports with
    FastReports 4 Ebarcadero Edition (4.11.17) and Fast Reports 4 (Demo version 4.11.17)
    as far as i know there are no sources included in this releases, is there a way i can test your solution with DeleteDC for our problem?
    If we can export reports that are about 25000-30000 pages to PDF (on 32 bit) with FastReports we will buy your components.

    Please let me know if there is a way to test this fix?

    thx Jan

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