Subreports - problem with .visible

guzialguzial Poland
edited June 2004 in FastReport 2.xx VCL

again i have problem..

on my report i have 3 subreports.
at the begining i have done a smal test. I put script
subreport1.left := 10;
it was all right
subreport2.left := 10;
it was all right
subreport3.left := 10;
it was all right

i did it because always i can't
make that script
subreport1.visible := 0;

when i do
subreport3.visible := 0;
subreport2.visible := 0;
it is allright, but when i want to do
subreport1.visible := 0;
it is not possible. Could anywone tell me why??
I have done all report again and it is the same problem. there is no more objects just that 3 subreports... and it doesn't work correctly

there is that frf file if somebody want to see what is going on

when i do it but in delphi
? frReport1.FindObject('SubReport1').Visible:=0
 ? frReport1.FindObject('SubReport2').Visible:=0
 ? frReport1.FindObject('SubReport3).Visible:=0

it works but i have to do it in freereport

sorry for my english
thanks for every answer


  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 10:46PM
    Try using the frconstants of true or false when inside the report.
    regards ;)
  • guzialguzial Poland
    edited 10:46PM
    do you mean that i should use "true" and/or "false" rather than "0" and/or "1" ??

    i try using that true, false, 0 ,1 and it is still the same...
    i prepeared new one frreport its the same. I checked other properties for example .Left or .Top and that properties are working but .Visible no - but only for that one Subreport1 for other subreports (2,3) it is working.
    So u have changed name of subreport1 for subreport10 so now it is working - can anyone explain me that??


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