Resolving datasource object type on bands
I use the current method to discover the type of datasource on bands:
Can you tell me why this does not work before datasource is set?
I use the list<string> of types to determin shich data should be loaded for the report.
I use the current method to discover the type of datasource on bands:
private List<String> ResolveDataSources(Report report)
              List<String> list = new List<String>();
              foreach (PageBase pb in report.Pages)
                  foreach (var obj in pb.AllObjects)
                      if (obj is FastReport.DataBand)
                          if ((obj as FastReport.DataBand).DataSource != null &&
                              (obj as FastReport.DataBand).DataSource.DataType != null)
                              list.Add((obj as FastReport.DataBand).DataSource.DataType.GetGenericArguments()[0].Name);
            return list;
Can you tell me why this does not work before datasource is set?
I use the list<string> of types to determin shich data should be loaded for the report.
Can this be correct? (I can see the type after data is registered, but then it is too late)
I am missing the datatype value in order to minimize the number of calls to the database when I fetch data for the report.
This code works well for me if I insert in in the Features/Business Objects demo report:
The _StartReport event handler is connected to the Report.StartReport.
It seems start is fired when datasource is bound the first time? I would like to know the types before retrieving data from my server environment.
I have modified my example it a bit, so it works as I would like it to do.
It is a bit of a hack because I register an empty datasource, then resolve types from the bands.
Now I can reduce the Loading of data with the resolved types from the bands, Meaning I only fetch data needed to preview the report. Awsome!