How to draw line every page by script?
procedure MemoProcessRequireOnBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent);
var myLine :TfrxLineView;
myLine := TfrxLineView.Create(Page1);
But It draws line always on the first page. Can you help me?
Best regards
var myLine :TfrxLineView;
myLine := TfrxLineView.Create(Page1);
But It draws line always on the first page. Can you help me?
Best regards
myLine := TfrxLineView.Create(PageHeader1);
Thank you. But I have a different line type every page. If use "TfrxLineView.Create(PageHeader1)", Every page show the all lines.
Have you any idea? Thank you again.
Best regards
TfrxLineView.Create(DataBand1 (2,3,etc))
Thank you for your help.
Can you write a sample code? Bcasue I have one page in report template. The page obeject name is "Page1".
Best regards
or such code (for TfrxMemoView) or
Thank you.
Your code is delphi code. I want to use script because I use FastReport Studio version. I need your help. Thank you.
Best regards