Sub reports

I need to print a drug prescription on an A4 paper for a medical software.
This paper is formated in three parts. Something like :


Part 1 & 2 are used to print the prescription (like 2 logical pages).
The part 3 is used to print the patient instruction using another sub report.

I can not figure out how to build such a report.
Do you know if it is possible ?

Thanks for your help.
Philippe Q.


  • edited 9:04PM
    Are you sure this is really a subreport issue?

    It seems like a fairly straight forward page layout with only one record per page.

    Maybe I just don't understand, but it seems like you're making it more complicated that it needs to be.

    Maybe if you could explain the data sets involved it would be more clear why you need subreports to accomplish your goal.


  • edited 9:04PM
    I have two separate dataset.
    - The first dataset should be printed on part 1 and continuing on part 2 if the all records does not fit on part 1. (eventually this should continue on another page if they are many records)
    - The second dataset should be printed on part 3 only.

    I am not sure that I should use sub-reports, I just don't see if it is possible to create a report like this.

    Thanks for your help.
  • edited 9:04PM
    Is it possible to fix boudaries to a sub report. I mean, to put a sub report on a page at a particular position and with a particular size and make sure that the print is done within the subreport only and don"t take much space than defined.

    Each time I try, the report does not take care of the size of the subreport on the page. Is there an option to fix this.

    Thanks a lot for your help.

    Philippe Q.

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