Help with putting PK into Memo.TagStr - can't get it to work

edited 4:07PM in FastReport 4.0
I have a simple banded report with dataset
NoteID is the PK. All fields are strings and all shown in the MasterData band

I want to pick up the noteID when I click on the Note memo box as part of making the report interactive. Following page 9 of the PM I put [frxDBDataset1Bulletin."NoteID"] in the TagStr property of the note memo box

Inside the TFrmPrintBulletin.frxReportBulletinDblClickObject event for the note memo box I have put
    TheNoteBox := frxReportBulletin.FindObject('frxDBDataset1BulletinNote1') as TfrxMemoView;
    TheNoteIDStr := TheNoteBox.TagStr; 
    showmessage(TheNoteIDStr); //get the ID of the note

However what gets shown in the message is the text [frxDBDataset1Bulletin."NoteID"] instead not it's value.

What am I doing wrong?


  • hsmhsm
    edited 4:07PM
    hsm wrote: »
    I have a simple banded report with dataset
    NoteID is the PK. All fields are strings and all shown in the MasterData band

    I want to pick up the noteID when I click on the Note memo box as part of making the report interactive. Following page 9 of the PM I put [frxDBDataset1Bulletin."NoteID"] in the TagStr property of the note memo box

    Inside the TFrmPrintBulletin.frxReportBulletinDblClickObject event for the note memo box I have put
        TheNoteBox := frxReportBulletin.FindObject('frxDBDataset1BulletinNote1') as TfrxMemoView;
        TheNoteIDStr := TheNoteBox.TagStr; 
        showmessage(TheNoteIDStr); //get the ID of the note

    However what gets shown in the message is the text [frxDBDataset1Bulletin."NoteID"] instead not it's value.

    What am I doing wrong?

    OK Fixed it, so if anyone else has the same problem (or if I forget and come back here looking!)...

    The PM states
    hsm wrote: »
    After constructing a report, the ?«TagStr?» property contains values of the '1000;1'
    type, from which it is rather not difficult to get values of a key as well.
    but does not say how to actually get the value of a key.

    the answer is that on this occasion you don't have to point to the memo box using FindObject, you simply directly use the 'View' parameter that gets passed to the frxReportClickObject event and access its value by MyVar := view.tagstr;

    It appears that one must use the click event, not the dblclick as well.

  • gpigpi
    edited 4:07PM
    See InteractiveReport demo in Demos folder

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