Currency format in Text Object

edited 3:54PM in FastScript
Hi All

I can't correctly format a currency in Object Text.

I have a TextObject in Master Detail call Prezzo. On event OnBeforePrint I have insert a script :

procedure PrezzoOnBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent);
if <Corpo."ArtServ"> = false then

where Corpo is a ADOTabe, field PrUnitario is a Valute and field ArtServ is a boolean.

in the option of object, format is CATEGORY : Number FORMAT: $ 1,234.50 and FORMAT STRING: %2.2m

for example if

<Corpo."PrUnitario"> = ??¬ 1250,50

it stamp 1250,50 not ??¬ 1250,50



  • RamgotiRamgoti Comilla
    edited July 2011
    This line:
    Dim currency As Decimal

    You declared currency as a double. In order for you to string compare "Yen" with currency you need a string data type for currency.

  • edited July 2011
    I suggest you to get the code from other sites. There are many source available on net from where you can detail codding, you need only to install that code in your site.

  • edited 3:54PM
    Dear Sir,

    I am using Fast Report studio, 4.8 with VB6.

    I want to format number values in report.
    The values which are Negative values should be displayed in bracket without "-" sign. and other number values should be formatted as normally i am using to format with %2.2n

    Please help, i want to displat -1234.00 to (1,234.00)
    and 2345.00 to 2,345.00

    I am trying to write VB script in report code window but not getting it to work. PLEASE HELP

  • edited 3:54PM
    I suggest you to get the code from other sites. There are many source available on net from where you can detail codding, you need only to install that code in your site.

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