Feature request: 'Continuous' option for XLS export

Anu de DeusAnu de Deus Hampshire, UK
edited 2:32AM in FastReport 4.0
It would be nice to have the 'Continuous' property for the XLS (and other Excel types) export object, as it shows as an option in the export dialog, but has not been implemented like the other options, i.e. WYSWYG, Page breaks, Merge, etc.
If that was implemented, we could set the default value from code, just like the other properties, and I believe in most of the cases, it being an Excel spreadsheet, the user doesn't want the column headers to be repeated for every page.
Apart from that, keep up with the good work, FastReports is really good indeed.


  • edited 2:32AM
    It would be nice to have the 'Continuous' property for the XLS (and other Excel types) export object, as it shows as an option in the export dialog, but has not been implemented like the other options, i.e. WYSWYG, Page breaks, Merge, etc.
    If that was implemented, we could set the default value from code, just like the other properties, and I believe in most of the cases, it being an Excel spreadsheet, the user doesn't want the column headers to be repeated for every page.
    Apart from that, keep up with the good work, FastReports is really good indeed.

    I vote for this option as well.
  • edited 2:32AM
    Do you mean that "Continuous" = "Excel sheet without empty rows"?
  • Anu de DeusAnu de Deus Hampshire, UK
    edited May 2011
    I'm not sure what you mean by "Excel sheet without empty rows".
    My point is: when you export to Excel, the dialog box that opens has a 'Continuous' checkbox option, amongst many others.
    But the 'Continuous' is not available as a property of the FrxXLSExport object, so we cannot set a value to it from code, like we can with the other options in the export dialog.
    Why do I need that? To set the default value from code, and when the user exports, all the options are already set as the ideal ones for the report.
  • edited May 2011
    I think what is meant an excel export that after the first header only outputs the detail data rows. No pageheader, columheaders, maybe even group headers. the same for the footers.
    One should be able to work the resulting spreadsheet in excel without having to delete columns and rows.

    At the moment I consider the excel export to be just a report viewable, but not workable, in excel.

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