how to overcome the problem of export excel

edited 2:32AM in FastReport 4.0

I have the Following problem Pls I try to make use of export options "table Excel (OLE)." I have a display format specified column as numbers and columns imported without using quotation marks to make a string of numbers, but still does not excel Recognize it as a text. What Could this cause? and this Happens on all my reports using common Either or crossdb.
all the suggestion thank you


  • edited 2:32AM
    1. Try to use the BIFF export (it's new in 4.11).
    2. Attach a fp3 file that shows the error.
  • edited 2:32AM
    Hi Draeden,

    Lately Gpi wrote about problems with Delphi compilation of FR 4.11 .
    Did you (FR Team) correct this issue?

  • edited 2:32AM
    Hi Anu de Deus,

    I'm so sorry - it was you who wrote about this problem :-(

  • edited 2:32AM
    Sorry, but I read only topics discussing exports, so I don't know what gpi wrote about compilation problems.
  • edited 2:32AM
    Yes you're right - I didn't point the source of the problem for you.
    But I do believe that -=Den=- will be able to say a few words about it and WE ALL will know if one can download and compile FR 4.11 with no fear [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /> FR 4.11 Installation issue was signaled by[/img]Anu de Deus in below topic

  • gpigpi
    edited 2:32AM
    This problem was fixed in FR 4.11.4 or 4.11.5
  • edited 2:32AM
    I've tried and this problem still occurs in FR 4.11.4 or 4.11.5,
    what if the report time is still appears thousand separator and exported Thousand separatornya lost what if that. if I do that how to implement the fast report what I put on before the script at the time of print
  • gpigpi
    edited 2:32AM
    I told about this problem:
    FR 4.11 Installation issue was signaled by Anu de Deus in below topic
  • edited 2:32AM
    This problem was fixed in FR 4.11.4 or 4.11.5

    Thanks Gpi

  • Anu de DeusAnu de Deus Hampshire, UK
    edited 2:32AM
    My guess is that the thousand separator is coming from the Windows reginal settings.
    Change it there and see if it affects the report. You will probably be safer if you logoff and logon again for the changes to take effect (or reboot).
    In my point of view, it SHOULD change the output in the file, so if it doesn't, I would report it as a bug in FastReports
  • edited September 2011
    i have similar problem, when i export a report to an excel ( *.xls format) in Main Demo and my Application using export to excel (OLE) (i.e i used TfrxXLSExport Component) i have a follwing OLE Error:
    Unable to set the RowHeight property of the range class
    i`m using Delphi XE with FastReport 4.11.5 and i`m using Microsoft Excel 2007

    what is the solution?

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