"Merge cells?"

edited 8:33PM in FastReport 4.0
How can i make this kind of report?


Room, MainUser and Substitute are DB Fields.
Signature is not. It's only a space for users to sign.
A,B,C and User# is DB data.


  • edited 8:33PM
    I can't find a way to merge cells from different rows in DBCross so I used standard MasterData band.
    Maybe my solution is not ideal but you can verify if it helps you:

  • edited 8:33PM
    Thank you Mick.
    I managed doing it using groups. It doesn't have the same layout but its also functional and understandable. I realized that to achieve that layout i had to change the table.
    I dit it this way.

    User1 ___________
    User2 ___________
  • edited 8:33PM
    OK, if you get what you need.
    My solution is based on GroupBand as well, but query (in my simple FR3 example attached a few hours ago) is not modify. Just order by State.
    select * from customer
    where state is not null
    order by state, company
    and the only thing to manage Memos' frame is a piece of FR script like below:
        LastState  :string;                                                                 
    procedure MasterData1OnBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent);
      with Memo2.Frame do if LastState <> <ADOQuery1."State">
        then Typ := ftTop + ftLeft
        else Typ := ftLeft;
      LastState := <ADOQuery1."State">;        
        LastState := '';                                  


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