Display StringGrid in report

I am really struggling with diplaying a StringGrid in a report. I have copied the code from the sample Delphi application and changed it slightly to suit my application as follows.

procedure TfrmViewFormulation.rptFormulationBeforePrint(c: TfrxReportComponent);
Cross: TfrxCrossView;
i, j: Integer;
if c is TfrxCrossView then
Cross := TfrxCrossView©;
for i := 1 to 6 do
for j := 1 to 6 do
Cross.AddValue(, [j], [FormulaGrid.Cells[i, j]]);

When I preview the report the data from the StringGrid does not appear. If I add a breakpoint anywhere in the loop

Cross := TfrxCrossView©;
for i := 1 to 6 do
for j := 1 to 6 do
Cross.AddValue(, [j], [FormulaGrid.Cells[i, j]]);

it appears that this loop is never executed. If I put the breakpoint at "if c is TfrxCrossView then" then the execution stops at that point.

What have I missed?


  • edited 12:41PM
    For some reason after I deleted the report and receated it the grid displayed without any problems.

    My next question is how to change the width of the columns in the crosstab. There is a section in the manual that describes OnCalcWidth but I'm not sure how to add it to my code. I would also like to change the alignment of the cells depending on the column (ie columns 1 - 2 left align, columns 3 - 6 right align).
  • edited 12:41PM
    Have a look at samples below:
    procedure Cross1OnCalcWidth(ColumnIndex: Integer; ColumnValues: Variant; var Width: Extended);
      case ColumnIndex of                                                           
      0:    Width := 3 * fr1cm;   // 3 cm                         
      1,3:  Width := 2 * fr1cm;   // 2 cm                
      2,4:  Width := 4 * fr1cm;   // 4 cm                
    procedure Cross1OnPrintCell(Memo: TfrxMemoView; RowIndex, ColumnIndex, CellIndex: Integer; RowValues, ColumnValues, Value: Variant);
      case ColumnIndex of                                                           
      0:    Memo.HAlign := haLeft;   // align left                                               
      1,3:  Memo.HAlign := haRight;  // align right                                        
      2,4:  Memo.HAlign := haCenter; // align center                                          


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