Create a composite report and pass variables to the reports

edited 10:54PM in FastReport Studio
I want to create a report that calls other reports and feeds them variables. I have downloaded fastreports version 4.7 studio.
The programmer???s manual (FastReport_Studio_Programmers_Manual_(EN).pdf shows a sample piece of code on creating a composite report:


I tried a test report and it failed.
Here is my initial code as written in the Code tab:

TfrxReport.LoadFromFile('01.Simple list.fr3');

The Page1 tab is empty. The Data tab is empty. There is no Dialog tab set.

When I ran the script, it failed on PrepareReport and ShowPreparedReport.
Under the class TfrxReport, I found LoadFromFile and ShowReport ( I assumed this takes the place of ShowPreparedReport), but did not find PrepareReport.

I tried the script with Preview and ShowReport. This time it tried to run but it gave an error.

Here is the error:
Access Violation at address blahblah in module 'fastreport3.dll'

What are the replacements or updated names for PrepareReport and ShowPreparedReport?

I thought I would try to get a simple composite report working first. Once I get that part working, I would like to try a report that gathers some data???say a start and end date and then passes those variables to a series of reports to make one composite report.

Can you offer some suggestions?
Regards David


  • edited 10:54PM

    Try to build composite report in your application but not in built-in FastScript.
  • edited 10:54PM
    I have found a lot of useful information from this particular place. I'm having a good time around here. Keep going.

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