Hide Fields
I'm new to fastreport and would like to know how to hide a particular MemoView when the DataField has a null value or equal to ' '. I would really appreciate your help.
Thank You
I'm new to fastreport and would like to know how to hide a particular MemoView when the DataField has a null value or equal to ' '. I would really appreciate your help.
Thank You
in the obp event of the object write code
objectname.visible := (<dataset."datafieldname"> > 0)
Thanks, it worked except for the following..
Is it possible for the underlying objects to "shift" into the place of the invisible object. At the moment the report just show blank spaces for objects that don't have any data.
Thank You
However you can mod the engine's curx or cury position
read the user manual on script and using the engine object.
Also Note that the engine processes the design page from top down depending on band type
and the objects in the band from left to right depending upon creation order,
the band is not actually output it is a place holder for the objects contained within its bounds.