TfrxHeader by Pascal

Could someone please give me an example
how do work with a TfrxHeader by software.

_frxReportPage : TfrxReportPage; // *1
_frxReport : TfrxReport; // *2
_frxPageHeader : TfrxPageHeader; // *3
_frxHeader : TfrxHeader; // *4
MasterBand : TfrxMasterData; // *5

I Create all this objects in this order and that works, well.
But when I try to do this with a Header I got the

Unconnected Header/Footer

Maybe some has an idea.


  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 2:47AM
    add the header and footer then the masterdata.
    or set designer freebandsplacement prop to true.
  • edited February 2011
    _frxHeader := TfrxHeader.Create(_frxReportPage);
    Memo1 := TfrxMemoView.Create(_frxHeader);
    MasterBand := TfrxMasterData.Create(_frxReportPage);
    //MasterBand.Parent := _frxHeader;
    Memo2 := TfrxMemoView.Create(MasterBand);
    _frxFooter := TfrxFooter.Create(_frxReportPage);

    but I still got the message
    unconnected Header/Footer Header1
  • edited 2:47AM
    What I did wrong !

    You have to set the Top height properties correct
    that is is

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