zeos DB components?

Can I use the Zeosdb components with Fast Reports?

My project is linked to a Postgresql server and I would like to be able to create reports.



  • edited 8:14PM
    snorkel wrote:
    Can I use the Zeosdb components with Fast Reports?

    My project is linked to a Postgresql server and I would like to be able to create reports.

    Did you have any luck getting it to work with the zeoslib components?

    If not, I am about to try and test out fastreports with zeoslib under C++ Builder 5 so will let you know how I go with it. Currently having trouble getting standard demos to work (see my other thread) but once I have all that sorted out I will be throwing a test app together with zeoslib.


  • edited 8:14PM
    Woodzter wrote:
    Did you have any luck getting it to work with the zeoslib components?

    If not, I am about to try and test out fastreports with zeoslib under C++ Builder 5 so will let you know how I go with it. Currently having trouble getting standard demos to work (see my other thread) but once I have all that sorted out I will be throwing a test app together with zeoslib.


    Yep, zeos works fine with Fast Reports.
    Just tried it today.
  • edited 8:14PM
    Can you be more exact. What version of ZEOS are you talking about? And can you provide a sample project?

    I'm asking this because, I have been using ZEOS for some time, and FR just ignored creating an engine for it (not our business, they said). One good person named "T. Super", created a version for zeos v. 5.x. I hope he continues work on an update to the new ZEOS 6.x since no one else does.
  • edited 8:14PM
    Waheed wrote:
    Can you be more exact. What version of ZEOS are you talking about? And can you provide a sample project?

    I'm asking this because, I have been using ZEOS for some time, and FR just ignored creating an engine for it (not our business, they said). One good person named "T. Super", created a version for zeos v. 5.x. I hope he continues work on an update to the new ZEOS 6.x since no one else does.
    I am using the latest version of the zeos 6.1.5 I think.

    I just used the tdata set compatible component, and all the fields etc showed up in the designer etc etc.
    just use the frdbdatset component and point it at any tdataset compatible component.

    It worked just fine for me so far.
  • edited May 2004
    Yes you are right. I'm not talking about connecting to components outside the report (on the DataModule). I'm not able to create a stand alone FR report that connects to the database just like adding BDE components on a Dialog inside the report and linking to the tables. T.Super created such ability on v. 2.54 of FR and v. 5.x of ZEOS.
    Thus the report is not dependant on the DM for connection. You can connect to the database from within the report and create standalone dialog based queries. You cannot do that with the currect versions of FR and ZEOS.

    Why do I need that you might ask? Imagine after you create your program with all the reports a user wanted to add another report to the program with a new query that is not in your program datamodule. What do you do? I would create a query in the datamodule, then link it to frDBDataset then add the report. This needs recompilation of the code, which is a lot of hassle.
    It would be nice (as the case is now with BDE) is to create the report with the query in the report dialog then just add the report to the program directory and you can select it from the list of reports. The report will connect to the database "independant of the program" and run the query with all the parameters set in the internal report dialog. This is a much better solution.

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