Print header, MasterData and Footer if DataSet empty
It think I've red everything here and even tried everything I could think of, but it just won't work.
What should I do to get Fast Report to print header, Master Data and footer on the page if there are no lines in my query? I need to have at least one line printed, sowing the design and column names in header....
It's a simple page that has only these 3 things, and I get an empty page...
What should I do to get Fast Report to print header, Master Data and footer on the page if there are no lines in my query? I need to have at least one line printed, sowing the design and column names in header....
It's a simple page that has only these 3 things, and I get an empty page...
read the usermanual on using the engine object.
on the code page
ds: TfrxDataSet;
//this block of code runs first before any other.
ds := Report.GetDataset('frxDBDataSet1');// use the username of the dataset
if ds.recordcount = 0 then
It wouldn't work only like that for me, I had to adjust it for my needs and put it in a procedure, actually:
procedure Page1OnManualBuild(Sender: TfrxComponent);
which is given in the usermanual, but I didn't see it at first. Now everything works fine.
Thanks gordk
Addition to my post:
I found out that when your making a onManualBuild procedure, you should also take care of the part when recordset is not 0. Because in that case you should tell the engine again to draw the bands.