There is a new OnSendMail event handler on the fMailExport component
which you can utilize to intercept the sending of the email and
use your own method for sending instead (using mapi or whatever):
Here are the parameters for the event:
function TfmReport.fMailExportSendMail(const Server: string; const
Integer; const UserField, PasswordField: string; FromField, ToField,
SubjectField, CompanyField, TextField: WideString; FileNames:
TStringList; Timeout: Integer; ConfurmReading: Boolean): string;
// comment out inherited, i think that this will skip the sending
// of the email by the fastreport's internal mail client:
// inherited;
There is a new OnSendMail event handler on the fMailExport component
which you can utilize to intercept the sending of the email and
use your own method for sending instead (using mapi or whatever):
Here are the parameters for the event:
function TfmReport.fMailExportSendMail(const Server: string; const
Integer; const UserField, PasswordField: string; FromField, ToField,
SubjectField, CompanyField, TextField: WideString; FileNames:
TStringList; Timeout: Integer; ConfurmReading: Boolean): string;
// comment out inherited, i think that this will skip the sending
// of the email by the fastreport's internal mail client:
// inherited;
// handle the sending of the email here.