Difference between preview and printed sheet


I have printed fields placed on absolute coordinates on the sheet. The idea is filling a form. When I make a preview everything seems to be placed where it should be. But when I print the sheet there is a difference. For example - if there is a field that should be printed at left 150mm, top 150mm, on the paper it is placed at left 148mm, top 145mm. And the difference is not the same for different coordinates.

On my opinion the problem is not in FastReport. Probabily I can look for it in printer drivers, or in Windows. On first look I tought the problem was in print resolution, it looks like that. I tried to print in different resolutions, but there was no success.

Do you have any other ideas ?
Thanks a lot !



  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 8:30PM
    It can be a combination of both fr is not perfect wysiwyg there are rounding errors typically of 2 or more pixels, ver3 soon to be released is much more accurate.
    In my own experience I have found that designing in pixels makes it easier.
    oversize the memo field slightly and use center justification, and vertical center,
    both can be found on text tool bar. I also very seldom use margins this way if i have to shift everything to the right i just have to add a left margin val or a top margin to shift all down. Other than that we also have designed our own form adjuster which places label outlines on a screen, we save the adjustment in a db
    and the db is refrenced when the report is loaded and the memo is adjusted accordingly this way customer only has to do it once for a particular printer.
    regards ;)
  • edited 8:30PM

    Thank you for your replay. Your advices are very heplful, but in my case is one more thing that make the situation more complicated - the text in memo and positions are set at runtime.

    Maybe I will wait until version 3 is released.
    Thanks for your time ;)


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