How can I create subreport by delphi code
I want to create something by code:
b := TfrBandView.Create; // create ReportData band
b.SetBounds(1, 100, 500, 60);
b.BandType := btMasterData;
b.Dataset := 'frDBDataSet1'; // band's dataset
b.Name :='MasterBand' ;
Page.Objects.Add( b );
it's successfully create a Band.
but I don't know create a subreport dynamic,
p:= TfrSubreportView.Create;
p.SetBounds(1, 120, 500, 30);
(p as TfrSubReportView).SubPage := frReport1.Pages.Count;'subreport1';
It's some code ,but its not like in frdesinger,it's not add a new page,if I do so:
page.Objects.Add(p) proceduct a wrong result,current page was changed.
if I :frReport1.Pages.Add; the page have not any relation with subreport.
Who can tell me how to product same effect that add SubReport in FrDesigner by code (Add a SubReport ,auto add a page relat with subReport).
help me. Thank you!
b := TfrBandView.Create; // create ReportData band
b.SetBounds(1, 100, 500, 60);
b.BandType := btMasterData;
b.Dataset := 'frDBDataSet1'; // band's dataset
b.Name :='MasterBand' ;
Page.Objects.Add( b );
it's successfully create a Band.
but I don't know create a subreport dynamic,
p:= TfrSubreportView.Create;
p.SetBounds(1, 120, 500, 30);
(p as TfrSubReportView).SubPage := frReport1.Pages.Count;'subreport1';
It's some code ,but its not like in frdesinger,it's not add a new page,if I do so:
page.Objects.Add(p) proceduct a wrong result,current page was changed.
if I :frReport1.Pages.Add; the page have not any relation with subreport.
Who can tell me how to product same effect that add SubReport in FrDesigner by code (Add a SubReport ,auto add a page relat with subReport).
help me. Thank you!
Not understand ?
here is a sample of adding items
procedure TForm1.designbtnClick(Sender: TObject);
// declare variables of these types
v: TfrView;
b: TfrBandView;
sr: tfrsubreportview;
ts : string;
Page: TfrPage;
frreport1.Dictionary.Clear; //clear dictionary from mem in case youve created
// a prior report with this component.
frReport1.Pages.Clear; // clear any pages
frReport1.Pages.Add; // create page of default type ptreport
Page := frReport1.Pages[0]; // point page variable to 1st page of 0 based pages array
// create a dialog page with
Page.PageType := ptDialog; // must be set to ptdialog
Page.Width := 200; // set properties of the page
Page.Height := 170;
Page.Caption := 'Test query';
v := TfrButtonControl.Create; // create button
v.SetBounds(60, 100, 75, 25); // set size and location
TfrButtonControl(v).Button.Caption := 'Test!'; // set caption
TfrButtonControl(v).Button.ModalResult := mrOk; // must be set or nothing will happen
Page.Objects.Add(v); // add it to the page.
// add a bde query to the dialog page you must place an fr bde component on underlying form
v:= frcreateobject(gtAddin, 'TfrBDEQuery'); // create the query object
v.prop := 'trialqry'; // set tis name
v.prop := query1.databasename; // set its dbname to an alias or path
v.Prop := query1.sql.text; // transfer sql from a query to the new query
page.objects.add(v); // add it to the form
frReport1.Pages.Add; // create second page of default type ptreport
Page := frReport1.Pages[1];
Page.Prop := poLandscape;
b := TfrBandView.Create; // create MasterData band
b.SetBounds(0, 60, 0, 20); // set it's bounds
b.BandType := btMasterData;
b.Name := 'MasterData1'; // set it's type
b.Dataset := 'dialogform._trialqry'; // set band's dataset property
frReport1.Pages.Add; // add pg for subrep pages are 0 based array
sr:= tfrsubreportview.create;
sr.Name := 'subreport1';
sr.SubPage := 2; // integer value
// to add objects to subreport page
Page := frReport1.Pages[2]; // point page var to new page
//do whatever here
// disable table and query on form1 so they are not available in report.
//if you want to add a particular dictionary add it here
//disable table and query on this form report is using a dialog form
frreport1.FileName := 'myname';
frreport1.designreport; // just to see it
I find I make a mistake.
My code is right too, but in program environment occur that error.
I believe I can success. thank you again.