The fastreport2.5 and teechart pro 7

I using the fastreport2.5, now i want to use the teechart pro7 component ,
I edit the fr7 unit, replace the TEE version in line 53 and 54, reinstall the fr2.5 in delphi , no problem is found, but after i run the program i do , the
the dynamic link file tee70.bpl was not found in the ...... ....,how could i solve this problem , hope your help! Thanks a lot.

could you help me in msn " "
or give me a answer using the email.


  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 8:30PM
    You probaly missed some thing add a new define in for your version of tchartpro. Also add it in requires section of fr7.dpk using notepad or wordpad.
    make sure it is asking for correct bpl.
    regards ;)
  • edited 8:30PM
    Someone tell me that if you have installed the teechar ,you only need to
    modify the fr7.dpk, replace the tee using the tee77, but you say the also need to be modify.
    could you tell me the method.
    here is the file:

    { }
    { FastReport v2.5 }
    { Include file }
    { }
    {Copyright© 1998-2003 by FastReports Inc.}
    { }

    {$B-} {- Complete Boolean Evaluation }
    {$R-} {- Range-Checking }
    {$V-} {- Var-String Checking }
    {$T-} {- Typed @ operator }
    {$X+} {- Extended syntax }
    {$P+} {- Open string params }
    {$J+} {- Writeable structured consts }
    {$H+} {- Use long strings by default }

    {$IFDEF VER90} // Delphi 2.0
    {$DEFINE Delphi2}

    {$IFDEF VER100} // Delphi 3.0
    {$DEFINE Delphi3}

    {$IFDEF VER120} // Delphi 4.0
    {$DEFINE Delphi4}

    {$IFDEF VER130} // Delphi 5.0
    {$DEFINE Delphi4}
    {$DEFINE Delphi5}

    {$IFDEF VER140} // Delphi 6.0
    {$DEFINE Delphi4}
    {$DEFINE Delphi5}
    {$DEFINE Delphi6}

    {$IFDEF VER150} // Delphi 7.0
    {$DEFINE Delphi4}
    {$DEFINE Delphi5}
    {$DEFINE Delphi6}
    {$DEFINE Delphi7}

    {$IFDEF VER93} // Borland C++ Builder 1.0
    {$DEFINE Delphi2}

    {$IFDEF VER110} // Borland C++ Builder 3.0
    {$DEFINE Delphi3}
    {$ObjExportAll on}

    {$IFDEF VER125} // Borland C++ Builder 4.0
    {$DEFINE Delphi4}
    {$ObjExportAll on}

    {$IFDEF VER130} // Borland C++ Builder 5.0
    {$IFDEF BCB}
    {$ObjExportAll on}

    {$IFDEF VER140} // Borland C++ Builder 6.0
    {$IFDEF BCB}
    {$ObjExportAll on}

    {$IFDEF VER150} // Borland C++ Builder 7.0
    {$IFDEF BCB}
    {$ObjExportAll on}


    Additional components

    TeeChart component
    {$IFNDEF Delphi2}
    {$DEFINE TeeChartStd}

    // TeeChart component is usually not shipped with Delphi 2.
    // But if you have it, uncomment the following line:
    //{$DEFINE TeeChartStd}

    TeeChart Pro 4.5 component
    // If you have TeeChart 4.5, uncomment the following line:
    //{$DEFINE TeeChart45}

    TeeChart Pro 5.5 component
    // If you have TeeChart 5.5, uncomment the following line:
    //{$DEFINE TeeChart55}

    JPEG images
    // JPEG images - only available in Delphi 3 and above. Adds approximately
    // 100Kb to your EXE.
    // If you want to show jpeg images in "Picture" object, uncomment
    // the following line:

    "Open Picture" dialog
    // Only available in Delphi 3 and above. Adds approximately 60Kb to your EXE.
    // If you want to use standard "Open picture" dialog in picture editor,
    // uncomment the following line:

    RX Rich 2.0
    // RX RichEdit 2.0. You should install RX Library (2.60 or above) first.
    //{$DEFINE RX}

    Interbase Objects (IBO) components
    // Allows using IB_Objects.
    //{$DEFINE IBO}
    // Also uncomment the following line if you have IB_Objects ver4.0+.
    //{$DEFINE IBO4}

    Interbase Express (IBX) components
    // Allows using Interbase DB's in data manager with no BDE required.
    // Used only with old datamanager (TfrDataStorage)!!!
    //{$DEFINE IBX}

    ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) components
    // Allows using any DB's in data manager with no BDE required.
    // Used only with old datamanager (TfrDataStorage)!!!
    //{$DEFINE ADO}

    Script editor with syntax highlightning
    // To use syntax highlightning in script editor, you should install
    // mwEdit component by Martin Waldenburg first. Adds approximately 100Kb
    // to your EXE.
    // (
    // Tested with mwEdit v0.92.

    Visual Query builder
    // To use visual query builder in Data manager, you should install
    // Open QBuilder component set by Sergey Orlik.
    // (
    // Tested with OQBuilder v4.0a.

    1C script
    // Alternative scripting language (russians only).
    //{$DEFINE 1CScript}

    // Don't change here
    {$IFDEF Delphi2}

    {$IFDEF VER110} // Borland C++ Builder 3.0

    {$IFDEF TeeChart45}
    {$UNDEF TeeChartStd}
    {$DEFINE TeeChart}

    {$IFDEF TeeChart55}
    {$UNDEF TeeChartStd}
    {$DEFINE TeeChart}

    {$IFDEF TeeChartStd}
    {$DEFINE TeeChart}

    {$IFDEF IBX}
    {$UNDEF BDE}
    {$UNDEF IBO}
    {$UNDEF ADO}

    {$IFDEF IBO}
    {$UNDEF BDE}
    {$UNDEF IBX}
    {$UNDEF ADO}

    {$IFDEF ADO}
    {$UNDEF BDE}
    {$UNDEF IBX}
    {$UNDEF IBO}
    hope your help , thanks
  • Bert BinnenmarschBert Binnenmarsch Terneuzen
    edited 8:30PM
    Hi freesoft,

    I only have TeeChart 6 and made the following changes to
    Line #106 (approx.)

    TeeChart Pro 5.5 component
    // If you have TeeChart 5.5, uncomment the following line:
    //{$DEFINE TeeChart55}

    TeeChart Pro 6.0 component
    // If you have TeeChart 6.0, uncomment the following line:
    {$DEFINE TeeChart60}

    The define TeeChart60 is added, for TeeChart 7 I would recommend TeeChart70.

    Line #183:

    {$IFDEF TeeChart55}
    {$UNDEF TeeChartStd}
    {$DEFINE TeeChart}

    {$IFDEF TeeChart60}
    {$UNDEF TeeChartStd}
    {$DEFINE TeeChart}

    I hope this helps,
  • edited 8:30PM

    I have installed TeeChart Pro 7 for Delphi 7.
    What I done after instalation was to change in fr7.dpk Tee67 to Tee77 (I used TeeChart 6 before). I would notice you that the package name is Tee77, not Tee70. The BPL that is "missing" is placed in \windows\system32 and is named tee77.bpl.

    I hope I was helpful ;)

  • Bert BinnenmarschBert Binnenmarsch Terneuzen
    edited 8:30PM
    You need to modify the following in fr7.dpk (using Notepad):

    line #54:

    {$IFDEF TeeChartStd},TEE {$ENDIF}
    {$IFDEF TeeChart60}, TEE67 {$ENDIF}
    {$IFDEF TeeChart70}, TEE77 {$ENDIF}


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