Group Sub Totals at bottom of Page

edited 11:01AM in FastReport 4.0

I am a newbie with Fast-Reports and moving from Crystal Reports

I have a simple list from a TdxMemData set that gives values from import file(s)

The report is fairly simple


<GroupHeader> grouping on the source file name

<MasterData> which list the invoice details import from the file

<GroupFooter> Showing the totals of the invoice values

<ReportSummary> Displaying the Grand Totals


I am trying to get the GroupFooter to print at the bottom of the page, so I have placed a <Child> (after or before the group footer doesn't seem to matter) band on to the form design and then on the <GroupFooter> BeforePrint event added the following:
  while engine.freespace > groupfooter1.height + pagefooter1.height do
   engine.showband( child1 )

this does move the group footer down the page, my problem is that the [SUM(<frxImportData."Amount">,MasterData1)] value is Null or zero.

How, do you get the sub totals to actually print with a value and make sure that the group footer prints at the bottom of the page.

Many thanks



  • edited 11:01AM
    Well, not sure if there is a better way of achieving this, but I have ended up creating a variable that calculates the sub total.

    So when my Master Data section prints in the OnBeforePrint event, I increase the variable
    Set( 'ReportTotal', get('ReportTotal') + <frxImportData."Amount">);

    My Group footer then has a text object that references the [ReportTotal] variable

    I can then use the loop in the GroupFooter1OnBeforePrint to move my groupfooter1 band to the required place
      while engine.freespace > groupfooter1.height + pagefooter1.height do
       engine.showband( child1 );

    then in the GroupFooter1OnAfterPrint, I reset my variable back to zero
      Set('ReportTotal', 0 );

    Not sure if this is best practice for Fast-Report, but it does get around the problem of my child bands printing before the group footer nulling the summary

    Would love to know if there is a check box I am missing, though to allow the simple loop only method.


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