Print only selected rows in DBGrid

edited December 2003 in FastReport 2.xx VCL

Anyone know an easy way to print selected rows from DBgrids.



  • edited 7:16AM
    Create temporary table, insert the PK's iterating on the Grid's SelectedRows property,
    and let the report based on the JOIN between the temporary and the displayed dataset.

  • edited 7:16AM

    I think the better way to solve this problem is:
    - To create an array or a list with all numbers of rows is selected in your dbgrid
    - To create a frUserDataset to control the navigation in your array
    - In report event onGetValue you can access the row in dbgrid using the array like an index

    I had use this way to solve similar problem, but with stringgrid an works fine and faster.


  • edited 7:16AM
    I once used the method Alex described ;)

    I have a (Client)Dataset showed in de DBGrid.
    I show some fields for selection (and there is a field FieldID wich is not shown).
    There is also a (ADO) temp table and a sql-string for using in this table (the sql is without the where part)
    procedure TForm1.ButtonPrintClick(Sender: TObject);
    var i: Integer;
        S: string;
        BML: TBookmarkList;
     BML:= DBGrid1.SelectedRows;
     if BML.Count = 0 then //no records 
     S:= '';
     with DBGrid1.DataSource.DataSet do begin
       for i:= 0 to BML.Count-1 do begin
        Bookmark:= BML[i];
        S:= S + ', '+FieldByName('FieldID').AsString;
     Delete(S, 1,1);//delete 1th comma
     with DM.AdsTmp do begin
      CommandText:= sSQL +
      'AND TheID IN ('+S+') ';
      //ORDER BY ...
      //Print AdsTmp

    The FastReport part is not so difficult when you have a good SQL, with a field for each showed memo.
  • edited June 2010
    But how to this without removing NOT selected rows from dataset ?

    I have to print selected rows and just skip/jump/no print other

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