Old 4.7 basic version IIF change ?
Hi list, I installed 4.9 version for TurboDelphi and old reports with IIF statements in memo doesn't work, should I have to go back to my old 4.7 version ?
I had read some topics here about IIF function but nothing helps, a few of my expressions are:
[IIF(1=1,'TRUE','FALSE')] memo is blank
[IIF(true,'TRUE','FALSE')] memo is blank
[IIF(<FDBoentpt."cant_pt">>0;'HIGHER';'LOWER')] cant_pt is a real data typed field with value > 0 memo is blank
[IIF(<FDBoent."or_oent">='E','WITH E','WITHOUT E')] or_oent is char(1) with 'E' or 'P' memo is blank
I already replace ; by , an other variations, but memo always is blank, what I'm doing wrong, please ?, some help will be very appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
I had read some topics here about IIF function but nothing helps, a few of my expressions are:
[IIF(1=1,'TRUE','FALSE')] memo is blank
[IIF(true,'TRUE','FALSE')] memo is blank
[IIF(<FDBoentpt."cant_pt">>0;'HIGHER';'LOWER')] cant_pt is a real data typed field with value > 0 memo is blank
[IIF(<FDBoent."or_oent">='E','WITH E','WITHOUT E')] or_oent is char(1) with 'E' or 'P' memo is blank
I already replace ; by , an other variations, but memo always is blank, what I'm doing wrong, please ?, some help will be very appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
So, I am really lost now, why my IIF memos worked well in past versions of my app and not now ?
Please, some help is very needed. Thanks.
[IIF(<Line#> = 2,'true','false')]
works fine, prints true when line# = 2
so your first parameter is probably not equating to a valid boolean value
fr4.9.84 enterprise.