Generate report with external TADOQuery
I have a DBGrid (that filled by an ADOQuery) in the form and want to dynamically generate columns in Fast Reports with the data in that DBGrid. I want I have a function to get a DBGrid as argument and then generate a simple grid in the Fast Reports (something same as QuickReport). Basically, is it possible?
Thanks for assist.
I have a DBGrid (that filled by an ADOQuery) in the form and want to dynamically generate columns in Fast Reports with the data in that DBGrid. I want I have a function to get a DBGrid as argument and then generate a simple grid in the Fast Reports (something same as QuickReport). Basically, is it possible?
Thanks for assist.
For i:= 0 to Adoquery1.fields.count-1 do
lMemo := TfrxMemoView.create .....
Then you set the text property of the memo, then the left property, then the dataset property, and so on.
It's not difficult, but it's not a 3 lines solution like you may have expected...
I prepared ADOConnection, ADOQuery and then multiple Memos in the FastReport; But I don't know how to assign memo to a Band (ex. Master Data Band) via code. Can you show me a sample working code for do that?
the memoviews must be created in the context of the band;