Fr7.dpk fails when QBuilder added
When Qbuilder is added to Fr7.dpk I am getting the following errors:
[Error] FR_QBEng.pas(37): Declaration of 'ReadFieldList' differs from previous declaration
[Error] FR_QBEng.pas(39): Declaration of 'SetQuerySQL' differs from previous declaration
[Fatal Error] frd_qry.pas(24): Could not compile used unit 'FR_QBEng.pas'
I have removed all old library files and tried to recompile and it still errors. Any ideas how to fix it?
[Error] FR_QBEng.pas(37): Declaration of 'ReadFieldList' differs from previous declaration
[Error] FR_QBEng.pas(39): Declaration of 'SetQuerySQL' differs from previous declaration
[Fatal Error] frd_qry.pas(24): Could not compile used unit 'FR_QBEng.pas'
I have removed all old library files and tried to recompile and it still errors. Any ideas how to fix it?
I had to change the following lines:
procedure ReadFieldList(const ATableName: string); override;
procedure SetQuerySQL(const Value: string); override;
I had to add "const" where it was declared and where the procdure was listed.
Again, Thanks for your help.