Merge dictionary - purpose ?
What is the purpose of the Merge dictonary.
It seems that you could load more then one dictonary and that the datasources or merged...?
I tried a few things but the behavior of Merge is the same as Load.
(version 1.3.34)
It seems that you could load more then one dictonary and that the datasources or merged...?
I tried a few things but the behavior of Merge is the same as Load.
(version 1.3.34)
Should it not Add the new Dictionary to the already existing Dictionary and remove duplicate datasource columns ?
When Merge works as expected you can create a lot of smaller Dictoinaries and merge the ones you need for the report.
For example; a Customer.frd, Order.frd, OrderDetails.frd, etc.
For report of Customer labels you need only Customer.frd.
For a Ordertotals report you need Customer.frd and Order.frd.
For a Orderconfirmation you all the three frd's.
Of course you have to set the relations manually.