How to print several A6-Pages on one A4 page


I got a problem. I send data from Delphi via the frxUserDataset to the report. Pagesize is A4. Now, I want set up the bands in that way, that I can print as many A6-pages as possible on this A4 page. The aim is not to waste tons of paper.

How can I do this?



  • edited January 2010
    You should to set properties:
    PrintMode to pmJoin
    PrintOnSheet to A4:

    In Designer:
    Report->PrintOptions->PrintMode = pmJoin
    Report->PrintOptions->PrintOnSheet = A4

    From Delphi code:
    frxReport1.PrintOptions.PrintMode := pmJoin;
    frxReport1.PrintOptions.PrintOnSheet := 9;
  • edited 1:40AM
    Thanks for this tip. I'll try it later becaue I have no Delphi at the moment.

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