How can I chart type property

Hi All,

How can I change the chart type to use source code?



  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 10:48PM
    Hi your question is somewhat vague, please explain what you are trying to do.
    regards ;)
  • edited 10:48PM
    pardon I am not perfect speak english,

    I want to change chart settings of page2 from page1

    example :

    page2.chart1.chart.Type = Pie or page2.chart1.chart.topon = 5 ...

  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 10:48PM
    Some properties belong to chart some to chart options
    sub pagenumber.chartobjname for c

    c.LegendObj := 'Memo2'; // string vals required
    c.ValueObj := 'Memo6';
    //c.Top10Label := ''; // takes a string
    c.ChartOptions.ChartType := 3;//actually byte 0 to 4 valid
    c.ChartOptions.Dim3D := true;
    c.ChartOptions.Top10Num := 0;
    c.ChartOptions.Colored := true;
    c.Top10Label:='Top 10 by';
    c.ChartOptions.ShowLegend :=true;
    c.ChartOptions.ShowAxis :=true;
    c.ChartOptions.ShowMarks := true;
    c.ChartOptions.MarksStyle := 0;
    hope this helps
    regards ;)
  • edited 10:48PM
    Special Thanks ;)
  • edited 10:48PM

    I am write onbeforeprint event of page2

    c.ChartOptions.ChartType := 3;//actually byte 0 to 4 valid
    c.ChartOptions.Dim3D := true;
    c.ChartOptions.Top10Num := 0;
    c.ChartOptions.Colored := true;
    c.Top10Label:='Top 10 by';
    c.ChartOptions.ShowLegend :=true;
    c.ChartOptions.ShowAxis :=true;
    c.ChartOptions.ShowMarks := true;

    not work

  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 10:48PM
    first as i said previously sub your page chartobjectname for c
    c.ChartOptions.ChartType := 3;//actually byte 0 to 4 valid
    you might have to expand a little internaly, the code i gave you an example of was external where "c" was a variable of type tfrchartview.


    also try running script in script of chartobject memo
    regards ;)
  • edited 10:48PM
    do you send mail me work a example ?


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