Crosstab cols 'stretch down'/not on different page

I want my crosstab report to stretch down the page if the number of columns exceeds available space on the page - how can I achieve this?
I can't use a single concatenated string value in a single memo as I need to bold/strikeout individual cells.

Also, I've tried dropping a Crosstab Object onto my report to see if I could do it with this but I get a 'List index out of bounds (-1)' when it brings up the editor (immediately after it has created and positioned the object).

Currently I get:     But, I would like:
+-----------------+ +-----------------+ 
|                 | |           C3 C4 | 
+-----------------+ +-----------------+
where C1-4 are the crosstab columns...

PS. Alex...can I ask for the 'highlight' option to be extended to include the font effect StrikeOut? (Actually, may be include the other font settings like: Name & Size)


  • edited 10:09PM
    If this report is a custom crosstab report and columns feel out of the right page margin, then that line is printed on a new page. Right ?

    If this is the trouble you are dealing with then the only solution I see is to change the FR source. Take a look at the FR_Class unit and procedure CheckColumnPageBreak.
  • edited 10:09PM

    Alex...can you include a boolean option on the cross tab band to achieve this?
  • edited 10:09PM
    ... well it can't be that hard. Procedure has only ~30 lines.

    Just comment the part when it create new page and move Y and X position to the start of the next line.

    ... and a few other fixes in the mentioned procedure and you're done.

    I've done it with FreeReport 2 years ago.

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