Calling fr3 to frx conversion from .net

Is there any way how to call fr3 to frx conversion from a .net application? I found only a fr3toFrx.exe tool (seems like Delphi/win32 exe).
Thanx Jon


  • edited 9:23PM

    The conversion logic is written in Delphi, so it can't be called directly from .net. However, you can run the .exe file from .net application.
  • edited 9:23PM
    Does exists fr3tofrx as win32 dll? Is there any way how to manage fr3tofrx.exe conversion from command line?
    (Our task is to load fr3 file from database, convert it to frx and save it back to database. We would like to include this conversion to an our application. May be Delphi win32 app)
    AlexTZ wrote: »

    The conversion logic is written in Delphi, so it can't be called directly from .net. However, you can run the .exe file from .net application.
  • edited 9:23PM

    Sorry, the converter does not support command line or batch convertion, because every .frx report should be corrected manually.
  • pinbotpinbot Texas
    edited 9:23PM

    The converter is excellant.

    I've converted a report that had several hundred text objects and it worked great.

    Alex is correct, though. There is always some needed manual changes.

    The biggest change that I've found is that the Data Tab objects (from FR Studio) have to be completely recreated.

    Totals are completely different too.

  • edited 9:23PM
    There are source codes for some Fastreport's applications. Does possible to get fr3tofrx.exe/delphi source codes? Are fr3tofrx.exe codes included in any fasterport application?
  • edited October 2009

    The converter's source code is included in FastReport VCL. The fr3tofrx tool just calls the converter:
      Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
      StdCtrls, frxClass, frxSaveFRX;
      TForm1 = class(TForm)
        Button1: TButton;
        OpenDialog1: TOpenDialog;
        procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
        { Private declarations }
        { Public declarations }
      Form1: TForm1;
    {$R *.DFM}
    procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
      r: TfrxReport;
      s: TfrxSaveFRX;
      i: Integer;
      if OpenDialog1.Execute then
        for i := 0 to OpenDialog1.Files.Count - 1 do
          r := TfrxReport.Create(nil);
          s := TfrxSaveFRX.Create;
          s.Save(r, ChangeFileExt(OpenDialog1.Files[i], '.frx'));
        ShowMessage(IntToStr(OpenDialog1.Files.Count) + ' file(s) converted.');
  • edited 9:23PM
    which version of FastReport vcl I need to get full fr3toFrx? I tryed open fr3 file and save it as frx (in designer of demonstration vers. FastReport 4 for Delphi 7 ). I get diferrent result to Fr3ToFrx.exe conversion. The result (from demonstration vers. Fr4) is usable but some parts of report lost.
  • edited 9:23PM
    frxSaveFRX unit has a limitation - your report must be connected to data. In this case it will be converted correctly. It is possible, if you run the conversion from your Delphi project where you have all reports and a data for them. The fr3tofrx.exe utility does not have such requirement because it was built using custom FR VCL build. So - sorry again.
  • edited 9:23PM
    we underestand that there is not a direct way, but there are provided full sources with some versions of Fast report 4. I dont know if there is any way, but does possible to estimate how dificult would be to modify conversion unit frxSaveFRX (from full sources) to allow make convesion without a connection to data? It seems that there is no problem to put frxSaveFRX sources to delphi dll and call this dll from .net by P-invoke. We have an old delphi application which use FastReport 3. We would like leave it and call conversion from .net.
  • edited 9:23PM

    I've updated the fr3tofrx utility; now you can specify the file to convert in the command line:
    fr3tofrx.exe c:\1.fr3
    (would produce c:\1.frx file).
  • edited 9:23PM
    Thanks, that's great! We really appreciate your response!

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