TfrxBarCodeView - BarType bdCode128C - Function 1

Hello to All,
Someone knows how to include Function 1 (FNC1) "special characters" in the text property of the BarCode?
This is essential to separate fields within an EAN 128 C barcode.
Thank you very much in advance.
Someone knows how to include Function 1 (FNC1) "special characters" in the text property of the BarCode?
This is essential to separate fields within an EAN 128 C barcode.
Thank you very much in advance.

I have the same question also.
Does FR not support FNC1?
EAN128 / UCC it's a standard barcode international now.
Very big compagny use it ! Nestl?©, Mars, etc..
It's very important for me to find a solution of this problem
Insert in your barcode String:
So if you want to use this barcode: 123123 sperated after the first "3" your string would be this:
When I did a barcode project before, I was also asked to do EAN-128 with FNC. It seems to be pqScan, if I wasn't wrong. You can also check out the code 128 barcode reader to validate it.