Data sources and Parameters problem!

edited July 2009 in FastReport .NET

I have three problems when i design a statistics form, i need get every data source's row data to fill in textbox.

1-How can i get every data source's row data ?
i had try to used code as follow, but it's not work:
TableDataSource ds = Report.GetDataSource("EDUSTUSING") as TableDataSource;
Report.SetParameterValue("A1", ds.Table.Rows[0].ToString());

2-When use FAST REPORT parameters. Can i declare and use it in code? not pre-declare in "Data-Parameters"

3-How cloud i adjust design "Page", the page always too small, so i must use bar to find appropriate position

Thank you!


  • edited 10:32PM

    1) Do you mean "Text" object? Just put a text object on the Data band and set databand's source to your datasource.
    2) You can do it in your application's code.

    report1.SetParameterValue("MyParam", 10)
    will create a parameter with "MyParam" name if it does not exist.

    3) If you want to adjust page size/orientation/margins, use "File|Page Setup..." menu.
  • edited 10:32PM

    For 1's problem, i mean when i set DATA SOURCE alredy , but i want to show the DATA with CODE-like FOR() recursion to get each DATA onto textbox, how can i do this function?

    For 3's problem, i want to adjust design page when i design report, not set page size when print.

    Thank you!
  • edited 10:32PM
    1) Use the following code:
          // get the data source by its name
          DataSourceBase rowData = Report.GetDataSource("Products");
          // init the data source
          // now enumerate the data source
          while (rowData.HasMoreRows)
            textBox1.Text += ((String)Report.GetColumnValue("Products.ProductName"));
            // go next data source row

    the "((String)Report.GetColumnValue("Products.ProductName"))" part can be added by dragging a data column from the "Data" window to the script.

    3) To adjust a page zoom, use the zoom controls in the right-bottom edge of the designer.
  • edited 10:32PM
    Thank You!

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