tpictureView and GIF?

Is there anyway to print a GIF with TPictureView or an fairly accurate way to convert from gif to JPG?



  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 9:02PM
    IIRC no
    you would need to convert gif to jpg or bmp or wmf using an external lib
    then assign the result to the frpictureview's picture.
    regards ;)
  • edited 9:02PM

    If You need the picture to be loaded in designtime do the following:

    Open the following files from \FR_directory\source\ :
    - FR_GEdit.pas
    - FR.INC

    The followings suppose You have the GraphicEx library freely available from (currently out of service). You must include its path in the library path in the IDE. GraphicEx doesn't need installation.

    After this edit the FR.INC file like this:

    add the following line anywhere You want:

    uncomment the

    After this edit the FR_GEdit file like this:

    Uses clause:
    SysUtils, WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls,
    Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, Buttons, ExtCtrls, FR_Class, FR_Const{$IFDEF GRAPHICEX}, GraphicEx{$ENDIF};

    procedure TfrGEditorForm.BitBtn1Click(Sender: TObject);


    {$IFNDEF GRAPHICEX}//add this line
    OpenDlg.Filter := frLoadStr(SPictFile) +
    ' (*.bmp *.jpg *.ico *.wmf *.emf)|*.bmp;*.jpg;*.ico;*.wmf;*.emf|' +
    frLoadStr(SAllFiles) + '|*.*';
    OpenDlg.Filter := frLoadStr(SPictFile) +
    ' (*.bmp *.ico *.wmf *.emf)|*.bmp;*.ico;*.wmf;*.emf|' +
    frLoadStr(SAllFiles) + '|*.*';
    {$ENDIF}//add this line

    After all recompile the FR package. With this method You will get about 30+ extensions available in the Picture editor at designtime with preview capabilities. These contains all of the popular image formats.

  • edited 9:02PM
    Sorry for the previous post, it works only in the designer yet, I didn't preview using the above method and when previewing the image is not displayed, only in designtime. Must look into the source.

  • edited 9:02PM
    The problem solved. Only one change to the FR source has left. Open the FR_Class.pas file and locate the TfrPictureView.ShowEditor procedure. Modify it like the following:

    procedure TfrPictureView.ShowEditor;
    Var Bm:TBitmap;

    This way all loaded image will be stored as bitmap and FR can save it to stream and can render them on the final EMF page.
  • edited 9:02PM
    One more note. You can include any unit in the uses clause of FR_GEdit.pas that contains class definitions implementing TGraphic based classes. This way You can extend FR to load ANY image format supported by the included classes.

  • LogoutLogout Portugal
    edited 9:02PM

    I need this to.

  • edited 9:02PM
    In my opinion, this solution is worth being added to the FAQ-list....
  • edited 9:02PM
    Hi Stephen!

    I've already finished my work and my TFRPictureView based component is ready for use. It can do all of the above with advanced editor (effects, etc) and correct rendering when setting stretched to false (ie. correct clipping at boundaries if the picture is bigger then the clipping rectangle). I will put it on the Yahoo groups files section in few days.

  • edited 9:02PM
    Thanks all for your help!!!

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