No report pages output

edited 3:52AM in FastReport 4.0
Hi, i am trying to set a variable from within my delphi app to try and load a dynamic picture, however when i do set this variable, there are no pages output in the report preview.

For example,

My code:

procedure ClientPic1OnBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent);
TfrxPictureView(Sender).FileLink := <ClientLogo>;


Works when i run the report from the designer, however when i try and set the report using:

RawViewReport.Variables.Variables := #39+FClientLogo+#39;

There are no pages output, and the ShowMessage(<CLientLogo>) doesnt even popup.

Whats going on?

I ahve also tried this to set a picture this way:

l2 := RawViewReport.FindObject('ClientPic1') as TFrxPictureView;
if FileExists(FClientLogo) then L2.Picture.LoadFromFile(#39+'C:\image.jpg'+#39);

Which doesnt work because l2 returns 'nil' when there is definately an object called 'ClientPic1'.

Please help, as this is behaving strange.



  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 3:52AM
    if ClientLogo is a categorized variable
    you are trying to access the variable incorrectly

    RawViewReport.Variables.Variables := #39+FClientLogo+#39;

    it should be
    RawViewReport.Variables :=
    also remember that when passing a string value from delphi into a categorized variable, extra delimiters are required.
  • edited 3:52AM
    gordk wrote: »
    if ClientLogo is a categorized variable
    you are trying to access the variable incorrectly

    RawViewReport.Variables.Variables := #39+FClientLogo+#39;

    it should be
    RawViewReport.Variables :=
    also remember that when passing a string value from delphi into a categorized variable, extra delimiters are required.

    Thanks Gordk, i have changed the .Variables.Variables to just one .Variables however both seemed to work ok. I am unfortunately still getting 0 pages when i try and dynamically set a picture in the report. I have on my delphi form an Timage to load a logo for the report. Then i have my code:

    procedure TfrmReport.RawViewReportBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxReportComponent);
    var L1 : TFrxPictureView;
    s : String;
    s := Sender.Name;
    if (LeftStr(s,Length(s)-1)) = 'ClientPic' then
    TfrxPictureView(Sender).FileLink := FclientLogo;

    I have multiple TFrxPictureViews all named ClientPic1, ClientPic2, ClientPic3 etc... When i preview the report without loading the TImage component in my delphi form, the report is output with approx 70 pages. AS soon as i load the TImage component, then press preview, the report has 0 pages.
  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 3:52AM
    i expect your problem may be here
    TfrxPictureView(Sender).FileLink := FclientLogo;

    What is fclientlogo, a property you are trying to read?
    if the logo is already in a delphi image component
    just assign the image to the pictureviews

  • edited 3:52AM
    gordk wrote: »
    i expect your problem may be here
    TfrxPictureView(Sender).FileLink := FclientLogo;

    What is fclientlogo, a property you are trying to read?
    if the logo is already in a delphi image component
    just assign the image to the pictureviews

    Thankyou for the suggestion, however the report is still not printing any pages. On further invsetigation, i am able to set the variable from an edit box (i.e. typing 'c:\image.jpg' then running the report works setting the variable to Report.Variables := Edit1.text) but if i allow the user to select the image from a TOpenDialog which in turn sets the Property 'ClientLogo', the report fails. It is ONLY when i have an opendialog to choose the logo. VERY strange, any suggestions?

  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 3:52AM
    that tells me you are doing something wrong in your application code
    so you will have to find it yourself.
  • edited March 2009
    gordk wrote: »
    that tells me you are doing something wrong in your application code
    so you will have to find it yourself.

    Ok, i will look in my application code, even though there is only 4 procedures on the form and they all seem to be right.

    So my next question is: if i now try and set the pictureview a different way, using:

    var L1 : TFrxPictureView;
    L1 := RawViewReport.FindObject('ClientPic1') as tFrxPictureView;
    if not assigned(L1) then ShowMessage('Cannot find pictureview');
    if FileExists(Mainform.ClientLogo) then L1.Picture.LoadFromFile(MainForm.ClientLogo);


    the picture never gets set because L1 always returns nil and the message 'Cannot find pictureview' displays. Why is this occuring when i have a TFrxPictureView in my report called 'ClientPic1'?


    There seems to be a problem in the frxXMLSerializer.pas unit -> looks like a memory allocation problem.

    Call Stack Information:
    |Address |Module |Unit |Class |Procedure/Method |Line |
    |Running Thread: ID=3132; Priority=0; Class=; [Main] |
    |7C90CF5A|ntdll.dll | | |NtAllocateVirtualMemory| |
    |7C809B2C|kernel32.dll | | |VirtualAllocEx | |
    |0078BAA7|SurePlay2.exe|frxXMLSerializer.pas| |DoNonPublishedProps |531[7] |
    |0078BA30|SurePlay2.exe|frxXMLSerializer.pas| |DoNonPublishedProps |524[0] |
    |0078BF28|SurePlay2.exe|frxXMLSerializer.pas|TfrxXMLSerializer |ObjToXML |629[64] |
    |0078BC68|SurePlay2.exe|frxXMLSerializer.pas|TfrxXMLSerializer |ObjToXML |565[0] |
    |0078B9AB|SurePlay2.exe|frxXMLSerializer.pas| |DoClassProp |515[56] |
    |0078B6DC|SurePlay2.exe|frxXMLSerializer.pas| |DoClassProp |459[0] |
    |0078BDE4|SurePlay2.exe|frxXMLSerializer.pas|TfrxXMLSerializer |ObjToXML |601[36] |
    |0078BC68|SurePlay2.exe|frxXMLSerializer.pas|TfrxXMLSerializer |ObjToXML |565[0] |
    |0078C40A|SurePlay2.exe|frxXMLSerializer.pas| |DoWrite |752[8] |
    |0078C350|SurePlay2.exe|frxXMLSerializer.pas| |DoWrite |744[0] |
    |0078C456|SurePlay2.exe|frxXMLSerializer.pas| |DoWrite |755[11] |
    |0078C350|SurePlay2.exe|frxXMLSerializer.pas| |DoWrite |744[0] |
    |0078C456|SurePlay2.exe|frxXMLSerializer.pas| |DoWrite |755[11] |
    |0078C350|SurePlay2.exe|frxXMLSerializer.pas| |DoWrite |744[0] |
    |0078C51B|SurePlay2.exe|frxXMLSerializer.pas|TfrxXMLSerializer |WriteRootComponent |771[13] |
    |0078C4C0|SurePlay2.exe|frxXMLSerializer.pas|TfrxXMLSerializer |WriteRootComponent |758[0] |
    |007971E5|SurePlay2.exe|frxClass.pas |TfrxComponent |SaveToStream |4393[8] |
    |00797174|SurePlay2.exe|frxClass.pas |TfrxComponent |SaveToStream |4385[0] |
    |007A4742|SurePlay2.exe|frxClass.pas |TfrxReport |SaveToStream |12381[31]|
    |007A6360|SurePlay2.exe|frxClass.pas |TfrxReport |PrepareReport |12920[23]|
    |007A6280|SurePlay2.exe|frxClass.pas |TfrxReport |PrepareReport |12897[0] |
    |007A6738|SurePlay2.exe|frxClass.pas |TfrxReport |OnTimer |13062[2] |
    |7E4196C2|user32.dll | | |DispatchMessageA | |
    |7E4196B8|user32.dll | | |DispatchMessageA | |
    |007A667B|SurePlay2.exe|frxClass.pas |TfrxReport |ShowPreparedReport |13006[23]|
    |007A65C4|SurePlay2.exe|frxClass.pas |TfrxReport |ShowPreparedReport |12983[0] |
    |007A6718|SurePlay2.exe|frxClass.pas |TfrxReport |ShowReport |13052[19]|
    |007A66D4|SurePlay2.exe|frxClass.pas |TfrxReport |ShowReport |13033[0] |
    |00984B97|SurePlay2.exe|ReportUnit.pas |TfrmReport |AdvGlowButton3Click |202[27] |
    |0055B74F|SurePlay2.exe|AdvGlowButton.pas |TAdvCustomGlowButton|Click |2594[5] |
    |0055C0F9|SurePlay2.exe|AdvGlowButton.pas |TAdvCustomGlowButton|WMLButtonUp |3016[105]|
    |7C9010E0|ntdll.dll | | |RtlLeaveCriticalSection| |
    |7E4194DA|user32.dll | | |GetCapture | |
    |7E42B3FC|user32.dll | | |CallNextHookEx | |
    |7E4196C2|user32.dll | | |DispatchMessageA | |
    |7E4196B8|user32.dll | | |DispatchMessageA | |
    |0099A9FB|SurePlay2.exe|SurePlay2.dpr | | |58[30] |
    |7C90DC9A|ntdll.dll | | |NtSetInformationThread | |
  • edited 3:52AM
    I have a small sample project that shows my errors if you would like to see it. Basically the whole project consists of:

    pic : String;

    procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
    if OpenDialog1.Execute then
    Pic := OpenDialog1.FileName;

    procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
    frxReport1.Variables := #39+pic+#39;

    Which fails everytime i try to load an image. Dummy.fr3 consists of a single TfrxPictureView with the Onbeforeprint method as follows:


    I dont think this is a problem with my code, unless you can see something gordk.

  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 3:52AM
  • edited 3:52AM
    gordk wrote: »

    Unfortunately this also does not work. From what i have read in the manual, Get('Logo') and <logo> are interchangeable.

    Is there a particular reason there are no output report pages? Why doesnt the component (frxPictureView or anything else for that matter) just go invisible when it cant evaluate it contents, instead of making the whole report invisible?
  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 3:52AM
    procedure TForm1.Button7Click(Sender: TObject);
    var pic:string;

    if opendialog3.execute then
    frxreport4.variables:= #39+pic+#39;

    the above code works fine for me.
    wpath is a public string variable to app path

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