How to set the fix size for MasterData Band?
Dear Friend:
My Question is how to set the fixed size for MasterData Band in Page Design Mode?
I want to set flexibly the MasterData band on page, such as change the begin position and band width,How to do that in Design mode except code way?
Looking forward to your good ideas.
My Question is how to set the fixed size for MasterData Band in Page Design Mode?
I want to set flexibly the MasterData band on page, such as change the begin position and band width,How to do that in Design mode except code way?
Looking forward to your good ideas.
if you are trying to control where band output is on the finished page use the engine object to control
cury and curx positioning.
read the usermanual chapter on using the engine object.
Thanks for your quick reply,yes I have found the solution by script! but I hope it can be available on Report template Design phase.
Detail reason as below:
Because user wants to add picture or text information object which is not binding masterdata record on Left or Right of Masterdata band,they need one feature support to set the position of band on anywhere in page.
I will send two pics to you by mail,one is the template,another is final report.
Do you have any other way to meet it?
you will have to re think your design layout to accommodate all the enduser wants.
the band(depending upon its type and prop settings) controls where it begins to output vertically
the actuall position is goverened by the object's positions within the band.
you may need to use several design pages and control which one is used(visible) depending upon options chosen by the user.
Thanks for your reply!
If I need this special function, Would you offer one customized vcl to me, and let me know the extra-cost,Thanks!
BTW,I got another requirement from user,they want to combine many *.fp3 file to one fp3, how to do that?
Looking forward to your reply!
for combining fp3 files use 2 tfrxreportcomponents
load the first fp3 file into the first report component,
load the second fp3 file into the other report component.
then add the previewpages from the second to the first.
clear the second and repeat as many times as necessary.
Thank your very much!
I have combined multi-reports by your way.
But I don't know how to re-number for each page.
Looking forward to your answer!
read the programmers manual on batch reports
Dear Gord
do you have any other ways to solve this problem which re-number for the appended pages except public vailables?