Create and Destroy objects at runtime

I need to create some objects (tfrxMemoview) for every record in the report, then number of objects may vary from one record to another. I am using the followin code in the MasterDataOnbeforeprint event:
procedure MasterData1OnBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent);
  s : string;
  i : integer;
  dLeft,dWidth : double;                                    
  if <Cheques."POS"> = 'S' then
    picLogoS.DataField := 'LogoBanco';  
    picLogoI.Datafield := 'Logo';                                                                                         
    picLogoI.DataField := 'LogoBanco';  
    picLogoS.Datafield := 'Logo';                                                                                         
  ChequesSimbolo.left := 653.86;                                                                                
  dWidth := ChequesSimbolo.width / 2;        
  dLeft := ChequesSimbolo.left + dwidth;
  ChequesSimbolo.Left := dLeft - ChequesSimbolo.width - (Length(<Cheques."MONTOSTR">) * dWidth);                                                                                            
  for i:= Length(<Cheques."MONTOSTR">) downto 1 do
    s := Copy(<Cheques."MONTOSTR">,i,1);
    with TfrxMemoView.Create(MasterData1) do
      Memo.text := s;
      Left := dLeft;
      AutoWidth := false;                                                     
      width := dWidth;
      Color := ChequesSimbolo.color;
      Font := chequesSimbolo.font;        
      Height := ChequesSimbolo.Height;
      Top := ChequesSimbolo.Top;                                                              
      HAlign := haCenter;
      VAlign := vaCenter;
    if i > 1 then                                       
      dLeft := dLeft - dWidth;  
  ChequesSimbolo.left := dleft - ChequesSimbolo.Width;                                                                
  frmSombra.left := ChequesSimbolo.left;                                                                                     

It's work fine, however I need to destroy them for the next record, because some records needs less objects than others.

How can I do that?
Should I change my code?

Thanks in advance.

J.C. Arteaga


  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 11:04AM
    instead of continually creating why not just put the memoview in the design and control its visibility and content and position
  • edited 11:04AM
    Finally I did it creating an array:
      aMemos : array[1..10] of TfrxMemoView;
      aLiteral : array[1..10] of TfrxMemoView;
    procedure MasterData1OnBeforePrint(Sender: TfrxComponent);
      s : string;
      i : integer;
      dLeft,dWidth : double;
      if <Cheques."POS"> = 'S' then
        picLogoS.DataField := 'LogoBanco';  
        picLogoI.Datafield := 'Logo';                                                                                         
        picLogoI.DataField := 'LogoBanco';  
        picLogoS.Datafield := 'Logo';                                                                                         
      ChequesSimbolo.left := 653.86;                                                                                
      dWidth := ChequesSimbolo.width / 2;        
      dLeft := ChequesSimbolo.left + dwidth;
      ChequesSimbolo.Left := dLeft - ChequesSimbolo.width - (Length(<Cheques."MONTOSTR">) * dWidth);                                                                                            
      for i:= Length(<Cheques."MONTOSTR">) downto 1 do
        s := Copy(<Cheques."MONTOSTR">,i,1);
        aMemos[i] := TfrxMemoView.Create(MasterData1);                                   
        with aMemos[i] do
          Memo.text := s;
          Left := dLeft;
          AutoWidth := false;                                                     
          width := dWidth;
          Color := ChequesSimbolo.color;
          Font := chequesSimbolo.font;        
          Height := ChequesSimbolo.Height;
          Top := ChequesSimbolo.Top;                                                              
          HAlign := haCenter;
          VAlign := vaCenter;
        aLiteral[i] := TfrxMemoView.Create(MasterData1);                                             
        with aLiteral[i] do
          Memo.Text := Literal(s);                                                          
          Left := dLeft;
          AutoWidth := false;                                                     
          width := dWidth;
          Color := frmSombra.color;
          Font := frmSombra.font;        
          Height := frmSombra.Height;
          Top := frmSombra.Top;                                                              
          HAlign := haCenter;
          VAlign := vaCenter;
        if i > 1 then                                       
          dLeft := dLeft - dWidth;  
      ChequesSimbolo.left := dleft - ChequesSimbolo.Width;                                                                
      frmSombra.left := ChequesSimbolo.left;                                                                                     
    procedure MasterData1OnAfterPrint(Sender: TfrxComponent);
       i : integer;                                        
     for i:= Length(<Cheques."MONTOSTR">) downto 1 do
    Thank you

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