field references for report

due to a general overhaul and preparations to change Database from IB 7.5 to Firebird 2.x I changed the field references from
static (tableFIELD.value, which defines each field within the unit as an object descending from xyField) to
dynamic referencing (Table.fieldvalues, or Table.FieldByName('Fieldname'),AsSomething, without having a fixed reference for the Field).
Does not work for me.

I use Delphi5 Enterprise Update 2, Fastreport 2.56 professional (latest download from FR), Connect to Interbase 7.5 via IBX 5.09. The Reports were prepared using a IBXQuery per Report component with the appropriate SQL Query.
(I tried FR324 basic but had no success)

My Reports are Invoices, delivery notes and alike, no complex formulas, some have masterdata sums or vat calculations.

Now I try to prepare all reports on one IBXQuery on a datamodule passing the SQLQuery and Reportname as variables. This way it is not or not easily possible to make up a static Field reference. (havent found anything on it)
There should be a way to connect directly to IBX, but I found no Doc about that. There is a component (IBXComponents) but I found no doc about it.
The Reason for sticking to Fastreport is that gorgeous (I mean it, tried to do it myself, didnt get it to work) Barcode object for code128 Barcodes.

- Is ist possible, to connect FastReport without using any IBX Connections and how do I have to do it?
- If not, how can I connect and/or make up my reports to be independent of static field references?
- Did I oversee something and is it possible with Fastreport 3.x and again, how to accomplish that?
- If I am too anything to see the solution before my eyes, will someone give me a hint please?

Thank you in advance


PS. One of my options for the future is to use FIBPlus or IBO for DB Access, because I read about the possibility to connect them directly to Fastreport.
But for the time being, I need a solution.


  • edited 4:25PM
    I found the error myself. I have to admit, it is the most silly one.
    After programming for about ten years.

    What happened:
    I had a function to prepare and print the report. On the datamodule (new) and on the form(old). Same name. Copied and pasted it myself.
    And I (thought I) tried to print with the new one but used the old one which had no dataset available.

    Always keep your mind on the job.

    Sorry for the spam.


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