Show report
Hi, I have some preblem here:
ADOQImpCodeBar(TADOQuery) have the Query:
frDBDSImpCodeBar(TfrDBDataSet)->DataSet is ADOImpCodeBar
frRImpCodeBar(TfrReport)->DataSet is frDBDSImpCodeBar
when i doubleclick on frRImpCodeBar and I click on preview report, it is perfect.
but when it is the code who try to Show it, it doesn't work.
I will show you what I do:

I see the build of report but nothing is show.
(I haven't time to see if the build put 0 or 1 output)
Can you help me please?
ADOQImpCodeBar(TADOQuery) have the Query:
 itItem.Description, itItem.NoItem
FROM itItem
WHERE itItem.NoItem = :NoItem
frDBDSImpCodeBar(TfrDBDataSet)->DataSet is ADOImpCodeBar
frRImpCodeBar(TfrReport)->DataSet is frDBDSImpCodeBar
when i doubleclick on frRImpCodeBar and I click on preview report, it is perfect.
but when it is the code who try to Show it, it doesn't work.

I will show you what I do:
ADOQImpCodeBar->Parameters->ParamByName("NoItem")->Value = edtNoItem->Text;
frRImpCodeBar->Title = "Code-barre";
 ShowMessage("Error when prepare the report !");

I see the build of report but nothing is show.
(I haven't time to see if the build put 0 or 1 output)
Can you help me please?

You should not forget to put the objects of which our report need. Like me, I have a BarCode in my report, then I must put TfrBarCodeObject (even not need to bind it to nothing) on my form.
Odd but it goes.