Setting the size of a Virtual Dataset at via Code


You have been very helpful in answering my last few questions. I think this is the final question I need answered in order to complete my cross-tab report.

I need to know how to set the Virtual Dataset size at runtime via code, both on the MasterBand and Crossbands. How do I do this?

BTW: Here is my plan for the cross-tab report.

I will open and process my db dataset, do all the grouping and summing etc., storing the results in-memory in a specially constructed data structure. Having done this, and then knowing the dimensions in rows and columns, I set the virtual dataset sizes. Each data item calls my in-memory data structure wrt column and row positions.

This should satisfy my application requirements.


  • edited 10:26PM
    Ooh. Brain-fade.

    I know how to do this: Attach an OnBeforePrint handler to the band object that calls an onuserfunction that supplies the virtual dataset size, like this:

    recordCount := getRecordCount(nil,nil,nil)

  • edited 10:26PM
    Nope. I"m wrong. It is more complicated than that.


    How do I:
    (1) Set the Record Count of a Master Data band with a virtual dataset at runtime?
    (2) Set the Record Count of a Cross Data band with a virtual dataset for each crossed band at runtime?

  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 10:26PM
    you could declare 2 variables in dictionary to handle the counts pass in when report loaded then in title band set datasource prop ovirtual dataset of each band
    masterdata1.datasource:= [variablename]
    or from outside
    code to loadreport
    b.datasource := inttostr(someint);
    code to show report or prepare or whatever
    regards ;)

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