Timeout on sending email


after sending email often, fr4 display a timeout message like:

Timeout expired (60)
250 mail.xxxxxx.it Hello host129.xxxxxx.xxx.x.xxxx.xxx.telecomitalia.it [{ipaddress}], pleased to meet you

but 250s smtp message isn't a error!!! [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/dry.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="<_<" border="0" alt="dry.gif" /> Have you idea? How to change timeout seconds? Thanks[/img]


  • edited 3:50PM
    Oops [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/unsure.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":unsure:" border="0" alt="unsure.gif" /> ... Add my code: ... frxGlobalVariables.Clear; frxGlobalVariables:= ''; frxGlobalVariables:= ''; if ComboBox1.ItemIndex > 0 then frxGlobalVariables:= 'First selection: ' + ComboBox1.Text; if ComboBox2.ItemIndex > 0 then frxGlobalVariables:= 'Second selection: ' + ComboBox2.Text; frxGlobalVariables:= FormatFloat('#,##0.00', ibqryTotal.AsFloat); frxMailExp.UseIniFile:= False; //*** Debug mode *** if InDebug then frxMailExp.LogFile:= ExePath + DebugNameEmail else frxMailExp.LogFile:= ''; //****************** frxMailExp.SmtpHost:= 'mail.serversmtp.it'; frxMailExp.SmtpPort:= 25; if SMTPAuthentication then begin frxMailExp.Login:= '[login]'; frxMailExp.Password:= '[password]'; end else begin frxMailExp.Login:= ''; frxMailExp.Password:= ''; end; frxMailExp.FromMail:= 'name@domain.it'; frxMailExp.FromName:= 'Name'; frxMailExp.ShowExportDialog:= False; frxMailExp.Subject:= 'Email Subject'; frxMailExp.Lines.Clear; frxMailExp.FileName:= FileNameEncode(frxMailExp.Subject); frxPDFExp.Author:= 'Name'; frxPDFExp.Creator:= 'ProgramName'; frxPDFExp.Title:= 'Title'; frxPDFExp.FileName:= FileNameEncode(frxPDFExp.Title); frxPDFExp.Subject:= 'Subject'; if Sender = btnEmail then begin if frxReport1.PrepareReport(True) then frxrpReport1.Export(frxMailExp) else Application.MessageBox(PChar('Sending fail.'), 'Email', MB_OK + MB_ICONERROR); end else frxrpReport1.ShowReport; ...[/img]

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