Visual Basic 6 + Fastreport

edited 12:54PM in FastReport 3.0
Hello Friends!

As I step on this parameter pair fastreport over vb? but it must be dinamico!

1) path from the database
C: \ bank \ g.fdb
2) The instruction sql query to the fast
"select * from product where = 1"

I could do this:

frx.LoadReportFromFile ( "C: \ Clients \ flextCash \ Report \ relinhaproduto.fr3")

'frx.ReportOptions.ConnectionName = "C: \ Clients \ flextCash \ Data \ d \ flextcash.FDB"
'frx.ReportOptions.Name = "sysdba"
'frx.ReportOptions.Password = "masterkey"

It is not performing well. Where is the error and also pass the SQl



  • edited 12:54PM
    I'm not sure what yhour looking for so here is a copy from my vb

    Private Sub EnvelopeListing()
    Dim query_obj As TfrxADOQuery
    Dim database_obj As TfrxADODatabase
    Dim query_obj2 As TfrxADOQuery
    Dim database_obj2 As TfrxADODatabase
    Dim sql As String
    Dim sql2 As String
    Dim tOrder As String
    Dim wGender As String
    Dim wMem As String

    ' order by
    If GePortMain.optOrderBy4(0).value = True Then
    tOrder = " ORDER BY d.Envelope "
    tOrder = " ORDER BY d1.LastName "
    End If

    'Set families interval
    If (Trim(GePortMain.cmbFromFamily4.Text) = "All") Or (Trim(GePortMain.cmbFromFamily4.Text) = "") Then
    wFromFamily = "A"
    wFromFamily = Trim(GePortMain.cmbFromFamily4.Text)
    If (GePortMain.chkUntilFamily4.value = Checked) Then
    If (Trim(GePortMain.cmbUntilFamily4.Text) = "") Then
    wUntilFamily = wFromFamily
    wUntilFamily = Trim(GePortMain.cmbUntilFamily4.Text)
    End If
    wUntilFamily = wFromFamily
    End If
    End If

    'Set members gender
    If (GePortMain.optGender4(0).value = True) Then
    wGender = "M"
    If (GePortMain.optGender4(1).value = True) Then
    wGender = "F"
    wGender = ""
    End If
    End If

    ' envelopes
    If (Trim(GePortMain.txtStartEnvelope4.Text) = "000000") Or (Trim(GePortMain.txtStartEnvelope4.Text) = "") Then
    wStartEnvelope = " "
    wEndEnvelope = " "
    wStartEnvelope = " AND d.Envelope >= '" & Trim(GePortMain.txtStartEnvelope4.Text) & "'"
    wEndEnvelope = " AND d.Envelope <= '" & Trim(GePortMain.txtEndEnvelope4.Text) & "'"
    End If

    ' sql and report
    'Assemble the SQL string
    theSQL = ("SELECT d.*, d1.* " & _
    "From " & _
    "dbo.MEMBERS d " & _
    "INNER JOIN dbo.FAMILIES d1 ON (d.FamilyIdFK=d1.FamilyId) " & _
    "where d.gender like '%" & wGender & "%' and d.Died <> 'Y' AND d.died IS NOT NULL " & _
    "AND d1.LastName >= '" & wFromFamily & "' AND d1.LastName <= '" & wUntilFamily & "' " & _
    "AND d.Archived <> 'Y' " & _
    wStartEnvelope & wEndEnvelope & tOrder)

    Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
    Set rs = Conn.Execute("SELECT d.*, d1.* " & _
    "From " & _
    "dbo.MEMBERS d " & _
    "INNER JOIN dbo.FAMILIES d1 ON (d.FamilyIdFK=d1.FamilyId) " & _
    "where d.gender like '%" & wGender & "%' and d.Died <> 'Y' AND d.died IS NOT NULL " & _
    "AND d1.LastName >= '" & wFromFamily & "' AND d1.LastName <= '" & wUntilFamily & "' " & _
    "AND d.Archived <> 'Y' " & _
    wStartEnvelope & wEndEnvelope & tOrder)
    If rs.EOF Then
    Answer = CoolBox("The report you are trying to produce is blank. Please redefine the report filters.", vbOKOnly)
    Exit Sub
    End If

    If GePortMain.optStyle4(0).value = True Then
    frx.LoadReportFromFile (App.Path & "\GePort Reports\Envelope Listing 1.fr3")
    End If

    ' Find database object
    Set database_obj = frx.FindObject("ADODatabase1")
    If database_obj Is Nothing Then
    MsgBox "ADO connection object 'ADODatabase1' not found"
    database_obj.Connected = False
    database_obj.ConnectionString = Conn.ConnectionString
    ' You can set connection string insted of showing it.
    End If
    ' Find database object 2 - common to get church data
    Set database_obj2 = frx.FindObject("ADODatabase2")
    If database_obj2 Is Nothing Then
    MsgBox "ADO connection object 'ADODatabase2' not found"
    database_obj2.Connected = False
    database_obj2.ConnectionString = Conn2.ConnectionString
    ' You can set connection string insted of showing it.
    End If

    ' ' Find query object
    Set query_obj = frx.FindObject("MemberInfo")
    If query_obj Is Nothing Then
    MsgBox "ADO query object 'MemberInfo' not found"
    Rem MsgBox "Current query: " + Trim$(query_obj.query)
    query_obj.Query = theSQL
    End If
    sql2 = "Select * from Churches where ChurchID = '" & UserConfig.DefaultChurch & "'"
    ' ' Find query object
    Set query_obj2 = frx.FindObject("ChurchInfo")
    If query_obj2 Is Nothing Then
    MsgBox "ADO query object 'ChurchInfo Query' not found"
    Rem MsgBox "Current query: " + Trim$(query_obj.query)
    query_obj2.Query = sql2
    End If


    End Sub

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