Feature Request: LINQ datasource support


It would be nice if a datasource can be a LINQ expression. At least as a first step would be to be able to write a LINQ expression against the datasources that have been added to the report.



  • edited 10:38PM

    How would you like to use LINQ with FR.Net? Could you describe a scenario?
  • edited 10:38PM
    AlexTZ wrote: »

    How would you like to use LINQ with FR.Net? Could you describe a scenario?

    When using business objects as datasources. It would reduce the number of business object list that need to be prepared prior to opening the end user report editor.

    As an example, I have a business object called Player, the datasource is called Players. And, in the report I want a list of jersey sizes and the number of players that has selected those sizes.

    At the moment, I have to define a business object list outside of the report editor to us as a datasource. But, if using LINQ to be able to query the list of Players that have already been imported, I would be able to add a new datasource with the following LINQ expression:
    from Player p in Players
    group p by p.JerseySize into g
    select new 
      { JerseySize = g.Key,
        PlayerCount = g.Count() }

    And, that is the list that I want to print.

    For business objects, it will be greatly appreciated. Because otherwise, you would be asking a developer to change their code for every new aggregate statement that would be required for a new report. And, have the end user report designer take longer to load, since it needs to load all of the data before opening.

    Or even ultimately, not have to add any datasource to the report designer's dictionary(prior to opening the end user designer, via application code). And just be able to create a datasource using a LINQ expression that uses the applications business objects. So, that way not all the data needs to be loaded before the end user designer is opened.

    I know it's not going to be that straight forward to implement, but I think it is worth taking a look at for a future version.


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