Load an rtf file with images
I found this snippet of code
It works just as it is supposed to....but, the file I want to load has images. They don't show up in the report. Do I need to set something?
Also, where the heck can I download the help doc's for version 3 ????????
Thanks all,
RichView: TfrxRichView;
Stream: TMemoryStream;
Str: string;
RichView := TfrxRichView(frxReport2.FindObject('Rich1'));
if RichView = nil then
Stream := TMemoryStream.Create;
  SetLength(Str, Stream.Size);
  Stream.Read(Str[1], Stream.Size);
  RichView.RichEdit.Text := Str;
finally // wrap up
end;Â Â Â Â // try/finally
if frxReport2.PrepareReport then
It works just as it is supposed to....but, the file I want to load has images. They don't show up in the report. Do I need to set something?
Also, where the heck can I download the help doc's for version 3 ????????
Thanks all,
try richviw.richedit.loadfromfile('path&filename');
docs can be found on product page under downloads.
Hey gordk,
Thanks for the reply, but the Richview.RichEdit.LoadFromFile(...) returns.....Undeclared Identifier: 'LoadFromFile'.
Any other suggestions?
Hey gordk,
This works fine but it seems that it only shows the first page of a two page rtf file.
Sorry for asking so many dumb questions.
Check the stretch setting of the rtfmemo and the stretch and allowsplit settings of the band which contains the rtfmemo.